

Body Rebuilder
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Juste une question en passant:

est-ce que quelqu'un ici utilise de la metformin dans le but d'améliorer l'absorption du sucre et d'éviter la néoglucogenèse au profit de la destruction du gras.
( Metformin is one of the most powerful and best kept secrets of bodybuilding. It uses the power of insulin to pack enormous supraphysiological amounts of fuel storage into your muscle cells. In order to understand why metformin is an extremely potent performancediabetes occurs. Metformin was developed as a first line of treatment for diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by an insensitivity to the effects of insulin by the body's cells.

In order for energy and nutrients to leave your bloodstream, the body’s cells must receive a message from the hormone insulin telling them to open up and accept an influx of nutrition. Without this signal from insulin, the body’s cells cannot receive the necessary nutrition to survive. Diabetes occurs when insulin is present but the body’s cells are no longer sensitive to its effects and do not open and allow nutrients to cross over from the blood and into the cell. When this happens the body’s cells starve and die. This is why diabetes is a slowly progressive and insidious disease. As cells are starved for energy, they end up dying. Once enough cells in a specific area die it can cause entire body parts to go necrotic and need to be amputated. Sometimes people with diabetes lose their fingers and toes, and sometimes even need to have arms or legs amputated and eventually die from the disease. Using insulin injections to manage diabetes is not desirable because all injecting insulin is doing is putting enormous amounts of insulin into your body to supplement the natural insulin produced by your pancreas and super saturate the body's insulin receptors. By injecting insulin, you end up causing the body's insulin receptors to become even less sensitive to insulin. It's the same as when you drink 3 cups of coffee a day, after a period of time the coffee stops producing the desired effects, receptors are super saturated and their sensitivity is then over time decreased. When you inject yourself with insulin your insulin receptors become less sensitive to the effects of insulin. Many bodybuilders have ruined their lives by abusing insulin in the name of increased muscle mass. They inject themselves with insulin and over time their bodies become adapted to having increased insulin levels, their cells downregulate their sensitivity to the effects of insulin, and the normal amount of insulin produced by their pancreas is no longer enough to open up their bodies cells to intake nutrition. Through this process insulin using bodybuilders turn themselves into type 2 diabetics. Type 1 diabetes is when you are born with an insensitivity to insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when you cause your body to become insensitive to insulin through lifestyle choices. Fat people do this by eating too much sugar causing their pancreas to constantly release huge amounts of insulin, producing a tolerance and insensitivity to its effects. These people then have to start injecting insulin to get extra into their bodies to make up for their insensitivity, which in turn over time causes them to become even less sensitive and eventually the injectable insulin won't be enough to

cause their cells to intake energy either. This eventually will kill them and all diabetic individuals have a greatly decreased life expectancy. The other danger of insulin use is acute overdose. If too much insulin is taken and not enough carbohydrates are present in the blood, then the insulin will cause all carbohydrates in the blood to be sucked into the body’s cells thereby depriving the brain of its fuel. The brain cannot store energy, it must have a constant supply of nutrient rich blood in order to function. When a person takes too much insulin without enough carbohydrates present, their brains no longer have the required energy to function, they fall into a coma, and in severe cases die as their brains are starved. This is called hypoglycemic shock and can happen within minutes after a short acting insulin injection, or seemingly at random hours after an injection when a long acting insulin is being used.

Metformin is an insulin sensitizing agent. That means the principal function is to cause the exact opposite changes to your body that developing type 2 diabetes creates. Using Metformin causes your cells to become more sensitive to insulin making the insulin you produce work more effectively to easily shuttle nutrition into your body’s cells without the need for excess insulin levels. Put simply, Metformin allows you to do more with less. With Metformin, less insulin will be able to shuttle more nutrients into your muscle cells, and with a normal body producing normal amounts of insulin this normal amount of insulin will have the same effect as a supraphysiological dose of injected insulin. You will be much more sensitive to insulin on Metformin, specifically in your muscle cells. This will cause the normal amount of insulin you produce naturally to be seen as a larger amount than it really is by your highly sensitive insulin receptors. Metformin has so many different modes of action it's impossible to discuss them all, even scientists and the drug companies that produce metformin don't know exactly why it works the way it does. One way Metformin works is by activating an energy system called "AMP-k" this energy system primarily uses fatty acids for energy and is normally activated during times of fasting or low intensity activity. The other energy system of the body is called M-TOR which is a primarily carbohydrate burning energy system and is activated during periods of intense physical activity.

Metformin causes an increase in GLUT-4 receptors on the surface of muscle cells, this makes them extremely sensitive to insulin and allows nutrients to cross over

into the cell with ease. GLUT-4 receptors usually appear on muscle cells after intense training for the purpose of letting extra energy into the muscle cell to recover from training. Metformin turbocharges this process and causes GLUT-4

receptors to appear on muscle cells even without exercise. Once you start taking metformin your muscles will gain more glycogen storage capability than they have ever had before. You will see your muscles become much rounder and "swole".

The muscle cell’s storage capacity will be near maximum and the muscle will have a bursting full, round, and separated appearance. What's awesome about metformin is it specifically does not increase insulin sensitivity in fat cells.

Whereas traditional injectable insulin causes all cells to uptake extra nutrition, metformin specifically targets the muscle cells. This is beneficial if you are trying to change your body composition and lose fat while building muscle at the same time.

Metformin can also help you to burn more bodyfat. Metformin helps with weight loss is by decreasing your appetite and by decreasing glucose production in the liver. When you have no more glucose available in your blood your liver starts a process called gluconeogenesis where it creates glucose by breaking down protein and amino acids. When this happens, it produces new glucosebrains are starved. This is called hypoglycemic shock and can happen within minutes after a short acting insulin injection, or seemingly at random hours after an injection when a long acting insulin is being used.

Metformin is an insulin sensitizing agent. That means the principal function is to cause the exact opposite changes to your body that developing type 2 diabetes creates. Using Metformin causes your cells to become more sensitive to insulin making the insulin you produce work more effectively to easily shuttle nutrition into your body’s cells without the need for excess insulin levels. Put simply, Metformin allows you to do more with less. With Metformin, less insulin will be able to shuttle more nutrients into your muscle cells, and with a normal body producing normal amounts of insulin this normal amount of insulin will have the same effect as a supraphysiological dose of injected insulin. You will be much more sensitive to insulin on Metformin, specifically in your muscle cells. This will cause the normal amount of insulin you produce naturally to be seen as a larger amount than it really is by your highly sensitive insulin receptors. Metformin has so many different modes of action it's impossible to discuss them all, even scientists and the drug companies that produce metformin don't know exactly why it works the way it does. One way Metformin works is by activating an energy system called "AMP-k" this energy system primarily uses fatty acids for energy and is normally activated during times of fasting or low intensity activity. The other energy system of the body is called M-TOR which is a primarily carbohydrate burning energy system and is activated during periods of intense physical activity.

Metformin causes an increase in GLUT-4 receptors on the surface of muscle cells, this makes them extremely sensitive to insulin and allows nutrients to cross over

into the cell with ease. GLUT-4 receptors usually appear on muscle cells after intense training for the purpose of letting extra energy into the muscle cell to recover from training. Metformin turbocharges this process and causes GLUT-4

receptors to appear on muscle cells even without exercise. Once you start taking metformin your muscles will gain more glycogen storage capability than they have ever had before. You will see your muscles become much rounder and "swole".

The muscle cell’s storage capacity will be near maximum and the muscle will have a bursting full, round, and separated appearance. What's awesome about metformin is it specifically does not increase insulin sensitivity in fat cells.

Whereas traditional injectable insulin causes all cells to uptake extra nutrition, metformin specifically targets the muscle cells. This is beneficial if you are trying to change your body composition and lose fat while building muscle at the same time.

Metformin can also help you to burn more bodyfat. Metformin helps with weight loss is by decreasing your appetite and by decreasing glucose production in the liver. When you have no more glucose available in your blood your liver starts a process called gluconeogenesis where it creates glucose by breaking down protein and amino acids. When this happens, it produces new glucose in your bloodstream via protein breakdown instead of via fat breakdown. This blunts the fat loss process and causes you to have to burn through all available liver produced glucose before you can tap into your bodyfat stores and start using them for energy.

Metformin reduces the rate of gluconeogenesis or the production of glucose in the liver by more than 30%. This means that there will be over 30% less liver produced glucose that you need to burn before you can start burning fat. Since metformin allows you do to more with less insulin, it blunts your bodies requirement to produce as much insulin. When there is insulin in the blood, fat loss cannot occur. The presence of insulin prevents fat cells from releasing their stores into the bloodstream. Since metformin makes you more sensitive to insulin, you will not need to produce as much insulin to process your food, this will allow you to spend more time throughout the day with low insulin levels burning stored bodyfat for energy. Metformin also decreases intestinal glucose absorption by about one third. This means that one third of the carbohydrates you eat will not be absorbed and will instead come out in your poop. That means you can eat more carbohydrates on metformin without it "sticking" to your body, they won't be

absorbed, instead they will just be shit out. You can eat more carbs on metformin than you otherwise could and still lose weight. Some bodybuilders abuse metformin because of its effects on blocking absorption of carbohydrates and other nutrients from the gut. Metformin has the unique ability to block garbage food you eat like Mcdonald's from being stored as bodyfat and some bodybuilders use metformin as a crutch to allow them to stay lean while eating unhealthy foods.

Metformin has some side effects but none that negatively affect your health. In fact, metformin is used as an anti-aging drug at life extension clinics because it decreases all-cause mortality and increases life expectancy. There have been multiple long-term studies done that show that people taking metformin, even those with cancer, live longer than those who do not take metformin. I'm not making this up. This is information from real long-term scientific studies.

The negative side effects of metformin come down to discomfort. The first two weeks on it you are going to have chronic diarrhea. This is unavoidable, and gets better after the first two weeks. After you've been on metformin for one month you will no longer have any digestive issues. Metformin also has a distinct 'smell'

that you will notice in your shit and when you go pee. Your urine and poop both will have a distinct and very unpleasant 'metformin smell' to them. This does not go away. Luckily, the smell doesn't permeate into your skin or hair or anything, and you won't walk around smelling like metformin, only your waste products will smell like metformin lol. Some people read scientific studies that show metformin reduces IGF-1 levels, this is true. However, in the real world this does not seem to have an effect on your ability to build muscle, since metformin allows you to build more muscle and look way freakier than you could otherwise. I hypothesize that metformin only decreases circulating IGF-1 levels which could be why it works as an anti-cancer and life extension drug. If metforminmetformin only decreases circulating IGF-1 levels but not Intramuscular IGF-1 levels then it would have no effect on the muscle building processes through this mechanism anyway. Another negative thing people say about Metformin is that it turns on the AMP-k energy system which is a fat burning energy system. The other energy system M-TOR is a more anabolic and carbohydrate burning energy system. Again, this fear seems to be only that, a fear, and it doesn't seem to make a difference in the real-world use of metformin in the bodybuilder.

You need to be taking testosterone or some form of anabolic hormones while using

metformin. This is because metformin blunts natural testosterone production by about 60%, not a problem if you are injecting testosterone or steroids, but if you are a natural, then metformin would not be a good choice for you. Finally, it is a good idea to drink 1tsp. of baking soda each day when using metformin to prevent acid reflux and indigestion. Metformin causes an increase in acidity in the body and it can make your throat burn. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is completely alkaline being the complete opposite of acidic. Baking soda will balance your PH levels when using metformin preventing any excess acidity.

Metformin is incredibly cheap and usually only costs something like 0.25USD per 1000mg XR tablet. I prefer the extended release XR metformin to the immediate release because I want to have its effects running in my body all day. Remember, many IFBB Pros are using Metformin and just not saying anything about it. This drug is still a secret in the bodybuilding community.

My favorite way to use metformin is to take a 1000mg XR tablet on waking and then another 1000mg XR tablet before bed. This protocol of two times per day XR

dosing for a total daily dosage of 2000mg metformin makes a massive difference to your physique. You should start noticing it about a week after you start using it.

Your muscles become fuller, rounder, and more separated from each other.

Running a Metformin protocol will bring a more 'freaky' and 'unnatural' look to your physique. Alternatively, once per day dosing of 1000mg XR metformin on waking works good too, and is what I recommend you to do until you get used to the digestive disturbance metformin causes during the first two weeks of use. The application of Metformin, Anabolic Steroids, and Pharmaceutical grade Human Growth Hormone, mimics the anabolic trinity effects that the combination of insulin, steroids, and HGH is known to produce. Since human growth hormone causes desensitization to insulin, metformin is a great choice to run alongside growth hormone to prevent any issues with this. Since metformin increases insulin sensitivity it actually directly combats growth hormone induced insulin resistance while providing a mild version of the muscle volumizing effects of injectable insulin. It produces this effect more mildly than you can get with injectable insulin, but it still produces the effects and it is 100% safe.

Human Growth Hormone HGH

Human Growth Hormone has more mystery behind it than any other performancemetformin only decreases circulating IGF-1 levels but not Intramuscular IGF-1 levels then it would have no effect on the muscle building processes through this mechanism anyway. Another negative thing people say about Metformin is that it turns on the AMP-k energy system which is a fat burning energy system. The other energy system M-TOR is a more anabolic and carbohydrate burning energy system. Again, this fear seems to be only that, a fear, and it doesn't seem to make a difference in the real-world use of metformin in the bodybuilder.

You need to be taking testosterone or some form of anabolic hormones while using

metformin. This is because metformin blunts natural testosterone production by about 60%, not a problem if you are injecting testosterone or steroids, but if you are a natural, then metformin would not be a good choice for you. Finally, it is a good idea to drink 1tsp. of baking soda each day when using metformin to prevent acid reflux and indigestion. Metformin causes an increase in acidity in the body and it can make your throat burn. Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is completely alkaline being the complete opposite of acidic. Baking soda will balance your PH levels when using metformin preventing any excess acidity.

Metformin is incredibly cheap and usually only costs something like 0.25USD per 1000mg XR tablet. I prefer the extended release XR metformin to the immediate release because I want to have its effects running in my body all day. Remember, many IFBB Pros are using Metformin and just not saying anything about it. This drug is still a secret in the bodybuilding community.

My favorite way to use metformin is to take a 1000mg XR tablet on waking and then another 1000mg XR tablet before bed. This protocol of two times per day XR

dosing for a total daily dosage of 2000mg metformin makes a massive difference to your physique. You should start noticing it about a week after you start using it.

Your muscles become fuller, rounder, and more separated from each other.

Running a Metformin protocol will bring a more 'freaky' and 'unnatural' look to your physique. Alternatively, once per day dosing of 1000mg XR metformin on waking works good too, and is what I recommend you to do until you get used to the digestive disturbance metformin causes during the first two weeks of use. The application of Metformin, Anabolic Steroids, and Pharmaceutical grade Human Growth Hormone, mimics the anabolic trinity effects that the combination of insulin, steroids, and HGH is known to produce. Since human growth hormone causes desensitization to insulin, metformin is a great choice to run alongside growth hormone to prevent any issues with this. Since metformin increases insulin sensitivity it actually directly combats growth hormone induced insulin resistance while providing a mild version of the muscle volumizing effects of injectable insulin. It produces this effect more mildly than you can get with injectable insulin, but it still produces the effects and it is 100% safe.

Human Growth Hormone HGH

Human Growth Hormone has more mystery behind it than any other performancebrains are starved. This is called hypoglycemic shock and can happen within minutes after a short acting insulin injection, or seemingly at random hours after an injection when a long acting insulin is being used.

Metformin is an insulin sensitizing agent. That means the principal function is to cause the exact opposite changes to your body that developing type 2 diabetes creates. Using Metformin causes your cells to become more sensitive to insulin making the insulin you produce work more effectively to easily shuttle nutrition into your body’s cells without the need for excess insulin levels. Put simply, Metformin allows you to do more with less. With Metformin, less insulin will be able to shuttle more nutrients into your muscle cells, and with a normal body producing normal amounts of insulin this normal amount of insulin will have the same effect as a supraphysiological dose of injected insulin. You will be much more sensitive to insulin on Metformin, specifically in your muscle cells. This will cause the normal amount of insulin you produce naturally to be seen as a larger amount than it really is by your highly sensitive insulin receptors. Metformin has so many different modes of action it's impossible to discuss them all, even scientists and the drug companies that produce metformin don't know exactly why it works the way it does. One way Metformin works is by activating an energy system called "AMP-k" this energy system primarily uses fatty acids for energy and is normally activated during times of fasting or low intensity activity. The other energy system of the body is called M-TOR which is a primarily carbohydrate burning energy system and is activated during periods of intense physical activity.

Metformin causes an increase in GLUT-4 receptors on the surface of muscle cells, this makes them extremely sensitive to insulin and allows nutrients to cross over

into the cell with ease. GLUT-4 receptors usually appear on muscle cells after intense training for the purpose of letting extra energy into the muscle cell to recover from training. Metformin turbocharges this process and causes GLUT-4

receptors to appear on muscle cells even without exercise. Once you start taking metformin your muscles will gain more glycogen storage capability than they have ever had before. You will see your muscles become much rounder and "swole".

The muscle cell’s storage capacity will be near maximum and the muscle will have a bursting full, round, and separated appearance. What's awesome about metformin is it specifically does not increase insulin sensitivity in fat cells.

Whereas traditional injectable insulin causes all cells to uptake extra nutrition, metformin specifically targets the muscle cells. This is beneficial if you are trying to change your body composition and lose fat while building muscle at the same time.

Metformin can also help you to burn more bodyfat. Metformin helps with weight loss is by decreasing your appetite and by decreasing glucose production in the liver. When you have no more glucose available in your blood your liver starts a process called gluconeogenesis where it creates glucose by breaking down protein and amino acids. When this happens, it produces new glucose in your bloodstream via protein breakdown instead of via fat breakdown. This blunts the fat loss process and causes you to have to burn through all available liver produced glucose before you can tap into your bodyfat stores and start using them for energy.

Metformin reduces the rate of gluconeogenesis or the production of glucose in the liver by more than 30%. This means that there will be over 30% less liver produced glucose that you need to burn before you can start burning fat. Since metformin allows you do to more with less insulin, it blunts your bodies requirement to produce as much insulin. When there is insulin in the blood, fat loss cannot occur. The presence of insulin prevents fat cells from releasing their stores into the bloodstream. Since metformin makes you more sensitive to insulin, you will not need to produce as much insulin to process your food, this will allow you to spend more time throughout the day with low insulin levels burning stored bodyfat for energy. Metformin also decreases intestinal glucose absorption by about one third. This means that one third of the carbohydrates you eat will not be absorbed and will instead come out in your poop. That means you can eat more carbohydrates on metformin without it "sticking" to your body, they won't be

absorbed, instead they will just be shit out. You can eat more carbs on metformin than you otherwise could and still lose weight. Some bodybuilders abuse metformin because of its effects on blocking absorption of carbohydrates and other nutrients from the gut. Metformin has the unique ability to block garbage food you eat like Mcdonald's from being stored as bodyfat and some bodybuilders use metformin as a crutch to allow them to stay lean while eating unhealthy foods.

Metformin has some side effects but none that negatively affect your health. In fact, metformin is used as an anti-aging drug at life extension clinics because it decreases all-cause mortality and increases life expectancy. There have been multiple long-term studies done that show that people taking metformin, even those with cancer, live longer than those who do not take metformin. I'm not making this up. This is information from real long-term scientific studies.

The negative side effects of metformin come down to discomfort. The first two weeks on it you are going to have chronic diarrhea. This is unavoidable, and gets better after the first two weeks. After you've been on metformin for one month you will no longer have any digestive issues. Metformin also has a distinct 'smell'

that you will notice in your shit and when you go pee. Your urine and poop both will have a distinct and very unpleasant 'metformin smell' to them. This does not go away. Luckily, the smell doesn't permeate into your skin or hair or anything, and you won't walk around smelling like metformin, only your waste products will smell like metformin lol. Some people read scientific studies that show metformin reduces IGF-1 levels, this is true. However, in the real world this does not seem to have an effect on your ability to build muscle, since metformin allows you to build more muscle and look way freakier than you could otherwise. I hypothesize that metformin only decreases circulating IGF-1 levels which could be why it works as an anti-cancer and life extension drug. If metformindiabetes occurs. Metformin was developed as a first line of treatment for diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by an insensitivity to the effects of insulin by the body's cells.

In order for energy and nutrients to leave your bloodstream, the body’s cells must receive a message from the hormone insulin telling them to open up and accept an influx of nutrition. Without this signal from insulin, the body’s cells cannot receive the necessary nutrition to survive. Diabetes occurs when insulin is present but the body’s cells are no longer sensitive to its effects and do not open and allow nutrients to cross over from the blood and into the cell. When this happens the body’s cells starve and die. This is why diabetes is a slowly progressive and insidious disease. As cells are starved for energy, they end up dying. Once enough cells in a specific area die it can cause entire body parts to go necrotic and need to be amputated. Sometimes people with diabetes lose their fingers and toes, and sometimes even need to have arms or legs amputated and eventually die from the disease. Using insulin injections to manage diabetes is not desirable because all injecting insulin is doing is putting enormous amounts of insulin into your body to supplement the natural insulin produced by your pancreas and super saturate the body's insulin receptors. By injecting insulin, you end up causing the body's insulin receptors to become even less sensitive to insulin. It's the same as when you drink 3 cups of coffee a day, after a period of time the coffee stops producing the desired effects, receptors are super saturated and their sensitivity is then over time decreased. When you inject yourself with insulin your insulin receptors become less sensitive to the effects of insulin. Many bodybuilders have ruined their lives by abusing insulin in the name of increased muscle mass. They inject themselves with insulin and over time their bodies become adapted to having increased insulin levels, their cells downregulate their sensitivity to the effects of insulin, and the normal amount of insulin produced by their pancreas is no longer enough to open up their bodies cells to intake nutrition. Through this process insulin using bodybuilders turn themselves into type 2 diabetics. Type 1 diabetes is when you are born with an insensitivity to insulin. Type 2 diabetes is when you cause your body to become insensitive to insulin through lifestyle choices. Fat people do this by eating too much sugar causing their pancreas to constantly release huge amounts of insulin, producing a tolerance and insensitivity to its effects. These people then have to start injecting insulin to get extra into their bodies to make up for their insensitivity, which in turn over time causes them to become even less sensitive and eventually the injectable insulin won't be enough to

cause their cells to intake energy either. This eventually will kill them and all diabetic individuals have a greatly decreased life expectancy. The other danger of insulin use is acute overdose. If too much insulin is taken and not enough carbohydrates are present in the blood, then the insulin will cause all carbohydrates in the blood to be sucked into the body’s cells thereby depriving the brain of its fuel. The brain cannot store energy, it must have a constant supply of nutrient rich blood in order to function. When a person takes too much insulin without enough carbohydrates present, their brains no longer have the required energy to function, they fall into a coma, and in severe cases die as their brains are starved. This is called hypoglycemic shock and can happen within minutes after a short acting insulin injection, or seemingly at random hours after an injection when a long acting insulin is being used.

Metformin is an insulin sensitizing agent. That means the principal function is to cause the exact opposite changes to your body that developing type 2 diabetes creates. Using Metformin causes your cells to become more sensitive to insulin making the insulin you produce work more effectively to easily shuttle nutrition into your body’s cells without the need for excess insulin levels. Put simply, Metformin allows you to do more with less. With Metformin, less insulin will be able to shuttle more nutrients into your muscle cells, and with a normal body producing normal amounts of insulin this normal amount of insulin will have the same effect as a supraphysiological dose of injected insulin. You will be much more sensitive to insulin on Metformin, specifically in your muscle cells. This will cause the normal amount of insulin you produce naturally to be seen as a larger amount than it really is by your highly sensitive insulin receptors. Metformin has so many different modes of action it's impossible to discuss them all, even scientists and the drug companies that produce metformin don't know exactly why it works the way it does. One way Metformin works is by activating an energy system called "AMP-k" this energy system primarily uses fatty acids for energy and is normally activated during times of fasting or low intensity activity. The other energy system of the body is called M-TOR which is a primarily carbohydrate burning energy system and is activated during periods of intense physical activity.

Metformin causes an increase in GLUT-4 receptors on the surface of muscle cells, this makes them extremely sensitive to insulin and allows nutrients to cross over

into the cell with ease. GLUT-4 receptors usually appear on muscle cells after intense training for the purpose of letting extra energy into the muscle cell to recover from training. Metformin turbocharges this process and causes GLUT-4

receptors to appear on muscle cells even without exercise. Once you start taking metformin your muscles will gain more glycogen storage capability than they have ever had before. You will see your muscles become much rounder and "swole".

The muscle cell’s storage capacity will be near maximum and the muscle will have a bursting full, round, and separated appearance. What's awesome about metformin is it specifically does not increase insulin sensitivity in fat cells.

Whereas traditional injectable insulin causes all cells to uptake extra nutrition, metformin specifically targets the muscle cells. This is beneficial if you are trying to change your body composition and lose fat while building muscle at the same time.

Metformin can also help you to burn more bodyfat. Metformin helps with weight loss is by decreasing your appetite and by decreasing glucose production in the liver. When you have no more glucose available in your blood your liver starts a process called gluconeogenesis where it creates glucose by breaking down protein and amino acids. When this happens, it produces new glucoseMetformin is one of the most powerful and best kept secrets of bodybuilding. It uses the power of insulin to pack enormous supraphysiological amounts of fuel storage into your muscle cells. In order to understand why metformin is an extremely potent performance
Dernière édition:


Body Rebuilder
membre approuvé
Ça m'a l'air d'une démarche très discutable notamment parce que freiner l'absorption des carbuydrates va sûrement avoir un effet sur la flore intestinale pas très désirable


Body Rebuilder
membre approuvé
Mais la metformine avait fait sensation il y a quelques années parce que des analyses faites un peu au hasard c'est-à-dire qu'on a tellement de recul et de donner et que on peut se permettre de juste essayer de regarder ce que faire médicament avec le temps et on s'était rendu compte que ceux qui prennent de la metformine ont tendance à vivre plus longtemps que les autres


membre approuvé
Faut connaître que ces analyses de données qui montrent une longévité supérieure avec la metformine ont lieu sur une population souvent obèses enfin c'est-à-dire dAméricains..
J’ai en tête que ce n’est pas uniquement avec des médicaments que tu pourras permettre à ton corps de mieu accepter les glucides…

C’est comme ceux qui disent vouloir couper les glucides dans leurs diètes car selon eux, les glucides ne leurs conviennent pas. Donc si tu les élimines, comment tu peux envisager que ton corps va améliorer sa capacité à les utiliser ? C’est débile.

Quand je parle d’hygiène de vie c’est vaste.
Stress/exposition au soleil/sommeil/activité physique/agencement des repas et comment sont constitués les repas.

Et ensuite c’est le temps qui fera les choses.

J’en suis la preuve vivante mdrr, et sans aucuns produits.


Body Rebuilder
membre approuvé
J’ai en tête que ce n’est pas uniquement avec des médicaments que tu pourras permettre à ton corps de mieu accepter les glucides…

C’est comme ceux qui disent vouloir couper les glucides dans leurs diètes car selon eux, les glucides ne leurs conviennent pas. Donc si tu les élimines, comment tu peux envisager que ton corps va améliorer sa capacité à les utiliser ? C’est débile.

Quand je parle d’hygiène de vie c’est vaste.
Stress/exposition au soleil/sommeil/activité physique/agencement des repas et comment sont constitués les repas.

Et ensuite c’est le temps qui fera les choses.

J’en suis la preuve vivante mdrr, et sans aucuns produits


Body Rebuilder
membre approuvé
Alors moi perso j'envisage rien du tout je décrypte juste un texte sur les différents effets de la metformine dans un but de veille technologique disons apparemment elle agit à différents niveaux entre autres elle rend les cellules plus sensibles à l'action de l'insuline mais aussi elle diminue l'absorption des glucides dans le tractus intestinal ce qui effectivement m'a l'air plutôt inquiétant


membre approuvé
Alors moi perso j'envisage rien du tout je décrypte juste un texte sur les différents effets de la metformine dans un but de veille technologique disons apparemment elle agit à différents niveaux entre autres elle rend les cellules plus sensibles à l'action de l'insuline mais aussi elle diminue l'absorption des glucides dans le tractus intestinal ce qui effectivement m'a l'air plutôt inquiétant
Je pensais que tu souhaitais améliorer ton cas, personnellement.

Mais bon, en soit c’est un copier coller d’internet, sa apporte peu de chose.


Body Rebuilder
membre approuvé
Je pensais que tu souhaitais améliorer ton cas, personnellement.

Mais bon, en soit c’est un copier coller d’internet, sa apporte peu de chose.
jusqu'à hier je savais même pas que ça s'utilisais dans un but de prise de masse ou de perte de gras ou ce genre de choses

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