PuritySourceLabs - Official Worldwide Euro-Pharmacies Distributor


Greetings Musclesenmetal.is,
The team here at
PuritySourceLabs.ru is super excited and pleased to be announcing that we'll be serving this community here at Musclesenmetal.is has one of your International anabolic-AAS providers.
Team PSL is one of the TOP pillar sources in the market today - team PSL will be available for all members here at
Musclesenmetal.is for all of your anabolic-AAS needs.

PSL is an approved distributor of
Euro-Pharmacies.net .

EP is a leader in science through biotechnology in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, accelerating through the Pharma universe using cutting edge technology and engineering, propelling far ahead of all generic contenders.

As many others are striving to go in the market in current times, the
EP network has been here for almost 2 full decades and continues to press forward with UNSTOPPABLE momentum.

PSL sets the benchmark of what defines "quality" in lieu of being one of those standard generic suppliers that are full of blatant sale pitches..
We've been providing "INTERNATIONAL" shipping services proudly and successfully for decades now and many more to come.

Altogether team PSL appreciates the opportunity to be OFFICIALLY strong here at
Musclesenmetal.is as our team is eagerly awaiting to assist you all with your needs..

PSL has newly added products
"ALL all brand NEW 15mL vial " , also new products will soon be added to our already stacked on-line shopping catalog as we are now prepared and ready to provide you with the service and products that you need and expect...

Here at
PSL we know that Musclesenmetal.is expects quality products, PSL recognizes this so we offer simply the finest AAS line with quality "Euro-Pharmacies". When you hear EP, think of superior quality and when members hear the name PuritySourceLabs.ru, we hope it will be synonymous in your mind with value as a genuine and authentic distributor of EP.. We aim for more than synonymous-- we want to be one and the same when you hear the words Quality and PSL. In fact, when you think "quality," "reliability," "versatility," or "power," we want you to think PuritySourceLabs.ru each and every-single time.

Specializing in International AAS steroid shipping..
Anabolic AAS - offering the
ALL all brand NEW 15mL vial product line,10mL vials, orals, AI's, peptides/HGH, men's health, and much more!

We're looking forward to serving you.:)
Best regards, TEAM PSL



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From an other poster... So lets talk about this and hear everyone feeds back.
Blue is his questions, and red is my answer IMO

Would low dose EQ added into a cycle benefit in any way? Say like deca or Tren are at around 200mg per wk. I ran EQ one time at 600mg and was not impressed, it's either not for me or I just ran too low of a dose. With pushing all that oil I'd rather be using a dif compound. Maybe when I have some extra cash I'll try a gram a wk. I know some people swear by it
Absolutely, Boldenone can dramatically increase collagen & elastin synthesis "fibrous glycoprotein properties" which is found in connective tissue, in return substantially minimizing any chance of injuries.. Further more, it will significantly reduce "Leptin Serum" levels, this is the mediator hormone that dictates hunger by suppression when normal/high serum levels are found, decreasing the desire for food intake, aside from ghrelin being an other counter part in this mechanism of action which has a role in meal initiation/desire upon release/secretions). .Speaking of Ghrelin, it can have an indirect course of action through neurotransmitter influence with Ghrelin secretion, increasing the desire for food! Win-Win situation, appetite stimulation, and increase collagen & elastin synthesis.. No wonder it's used in some clinical settings for treatment with ill/malnourished/injured animals to help improve a state of health and recovery..
You don' t need much, less can be more.. But at superfluous dosages it's a completely different animal :D
EQ acts more like a version of Tbol (Turinabol) or even a Mild dose of Dbol-without the androgenic repercussions or bloat/excessive estrogen conversion that Dbol can yield,
maybe a mild testosterone or mast would be a good way to put how it can effect muscle building/hardening..
Bold was in fact compounded with intent to be a VERY long esterfied injectable dbol, but like many testosterone derivatives they ended up becoming something entirely different.. You don't need much, less can be more.. But at superfluous dosages it's a completely different


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(Boldenone Undecyclenate)
Boldenone undecylenate “Equipoise” is a veterinary steroid that made it's claim to fame by some faithful individuals
who swear by it's unique traits that are nothing short but amazing,
and others advocate it can be hit or miss with users, some claim that it's an underrated compound as others are steadfast
with the notion that it provides no worth while benefits..

The back story of this lone AAS belongs to - testosterone derived anabolic androgenic steroid and androgen ester that is used in veterinary medicine,
particularly it was originally suitable for use in horses.

It was intended to increase the lean body weight as it can increase the appetite of the horse
(We'll talk about that at the end)..

Boldenone undecylenate is famous for its extraordinary capability with
promoting the strength and muscle endurance which is extremely beneficial in providing the added advantage with athletic performance,
also it possess amazing collagen and elastin synthesis properties "fibrous glycoprotein"
(which is found in connective tissue)

With EQ it's notoriety and popularity from those that rave about it comes from it's ability to provide a hard, lean and dense look while appearing to have a barren/water-less non-bloat appearance,
yielding a more vascular and four dimensional look..

If one is looking for a quality and aesthetic physique , look no further..

Dosages can range from 400-600mgs weekly, while most swear that it "truly" begins to display it's true untapped potentials at 1000+ mgs weekly,
and at superfluous dosages 1500mg it's known to unleash some amazing results..
However, this may come at the expense of having excessively more oily skin, and the potential of more acne and a drastic increase with Hematocrit levels (RBC's)..
Half-life: 16.6 days
carbon atom: 11

Here is a real question that was once asked below:
www.PuritySourceLabs.ru Proviron
(A must have in your arsenal)
PSL Proviron Review

All about Mesterolone


Proviron and being multipurpose to adaptable to just about any protocol as an all around clever and flexible benefactor. Truly!

Why is Proviron simply the best thing ever when in terms of having a great addition to your TRT or cycle?

Here's why -
I'm a nootropic and feel-good kind of guy, I love feeling crisp, sharp and on point with clarity. Mentally and physically.
I love nootropics and in my opinion this drug could be considered one.. Furthermore you can't beat the effects it has with Free-T levels.

Here is a study that I highlighted the very important aspects that are often questioned.. This was years and years, using different types of androgens, Proviron was one of them..

After years of studies on just Mesterolone it proved to have hardly any real effect on health markers..
It's non-suppressive and only slightly decreased LH and FSH in users that had naturally HIGH T levels above the norm, and brought them down slightly, yet still in the higher percentile..
This was used for YEARS on end... Using any AAS for years on end is not advised, this is just an outline of what could happen in the event of.



I want to stress the very importance of passing on info and sharing with others or making suggestions to help others.
If I'm not certain about something, or if it's outside of my own understanding, I won't offer suggestions or my opinion on matters and I'll tag someone who's qualified to assist.
I just so happen to have been through this before myself, aside from clinical data and other anecdotes that we may read.
Here is my bloods that I pulled just a few months ago, after a nasty battle with Covid, completely derailing my progress and blasting at the end of last year.
I wanted to wait until my system cleared a bit from being sick and the hormones cleared as well, so the results weren't skewed or misrepresented.

This is the result of just 200mg Test cyp (trt script) once a week and same for MastE 200mg and some proviron ED , with minimal AI's (In fact I was skipping long durations without taking any AI's).
I had a schedule conflict and pulled bloods the day after injection, had no choice.

Free Test is clearly high, and SHBG is on the low end, and my estro is slightly high because of the lack of my AI, but I like my estro in those ranges.
It's a healthily balanced for me. Lipid profile was great and so was the rest of my numbers.
Thyroid levels were perfect as well..

Mast/ proviron with test is simply amazing.. You don't need much of either..






Mast and proviron are multipurpose and adaptable to just about any protocol as an all around clever and flexible benefactor. Truly!

Mast or proviron should/could be a requirement much like how people promote the idea being supper necessary to run AI's with each cycle/blast (which I agree with, dose depending).
When running proviron or mast in tandem with test and/or TRT especially for us older lions, I can't even begin to explain the complimentary effects and how its "equivalent to adding a turbo or twin turbo to someone's engine block".
The beauty is, users don't need much if the price of mast or proviron concerns them, 200mgs a week is plenty or mast, even 100-150mg with matstE, or 50-75mgs of PROVIRON..

People spend double that amount on protein powder and other sups, even triple.. Yet when its come to our sense of well being people over look proviron. I run it just about all year, and it will not effect lipids or shut you down. (I'm on TRT)
People need to get the idea that mast is a hardening drug, finishing agent, best used when lean out of there heads (within reason tho), all of that applies to a completely different use and purpose.

www.PuritySourceLabs.ru Proviron
(A must have in your arsenal)
PSL Proviron Review

So, the discussion has come about many times over in regards to depression, insomnia, aggression, anxiety or other sides when on cycle/blast when using Trenbolone..
Let's discuss Trenbolone and one compound that can help assist with side effects that can be unbearable for most, especially anxiety while using Trenbolone..

Please allow me to illustrate one of the most shrouded and rarely discussed drugs in the whole anabolic circuit, one of the most underrated/pronounced effects ever
that somehow has failed to be discussed upon the masses, or misunderstood at best...Proviron!

“Proviron” Mesterolone

Most of you that have ever taken the breakfast of champions "Methandrostenolone", That's right, I'm talking about Dbol.
What's the most apparent and conspicuous effects that take place while taking Dbol?
If you were about to say the "sense of well-being" than your correct.

One of the most profound and desirable effects that we can have during a cycle..
Now, how about after a cycle like during PCT, Or for longer cycle/blast duration's when we feel tired?

One of the greatest characteristics about Proviron is it's "Antidepressant" properties.
With this being said, when it was first developed it was widely used in treatments for Bi-polar, OCD and Anxiety. As we know that depression is basically a chemical imbalance that comes about through the "Signaling" between receptors.
Proviron improves the quality of the "channels" that the cells use to communicate and interact, chitter chatter so to speak. Thus, a similar effect with Dbol where it drastically improves the sense of well being in users.

Much like Antidepressants, SSRI (Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, and/or,SNRI (Serotonin-nor-epinephrine-uptake inhibitor)
What I'm about to share is a double blind study that clearly shows undoubtedly astonishing results in the patients! Another great reason to consider this compound.
Why Proviron is underestimated, the world may never know..

Tren is the compound that's well known for having a love-hate relationship with most users. Most will deem it a necessary evil. But, in fact it doesn't have to be classified as evil after all.
Here I will introduce some clinical studies that have been conducted with a compound most commonly known as Proviron-trade name (Mesterolone).
This agent possesses some amazing characteristics with Antidepressant properties, as well as Anti-anxiety.
It works by also metabolizing and being recognized through the endocrine as (other) a neurosteroid, effectively functioning as a so-called proneurosteroid (testosterone is also recognized as one).
These steroids synthesized in the brain much like a Nootropic (Proviron especially) and have effects on brains function..
In addition to their actions on neuronal membrane receptors improving the quality of the channels that cells use to communicate and interact.
Proviron/or Masteron (Masteron can be utilized due to it's targeting similarities)
Proviron (mesterolone) will exert inhibitory actions on neurotransmission, acting as potent positive allosteric modulator of the GABA receptor, this is crucial concerning Tren-Insomnia as healthy function levels of GABA will produce a stable sleep state/environment for rest
and displayed in no particular order; antidepressant, stress-reducing, feeling warm/fuzzy/rewarding, pro-social, anti-aggressive (huge consider tren sides) , pro-sexual, sedative/pro-sleep, cognitive-memory improvement..
The list literally goes on!

Where does this apply with Tren?
It can assist all the way around with individuals who are sensitive or not with trenbolone.
From the social aspect, overwhelming sense of anxiety, lack of sleep, basically everything stated above that may apply with the usage of trenbolone and the onset of its unwanted side..

In addition to this information an individual can also utilize masteron (Drostanolonein) in conjunction with Proviron (substituting one for the other), running both concurrently may yield a great synergetic effect, each compound will compliment one an other.
Further more Proviron is a DHT derivative. DHT compounds assist with hardening of the physique, lack of water retention, increased sex drive..
Hardening of the physique and lack of water retention go hand in hand. Proviron assists with this, the body recognizes proviron as a DHT, This causes a direct hardening affect on the muscle tissue much like Masteron displays..

The increase in muscle dryness/density comes from a reduction in free/circulating estrogen levels, because proviron has the ability to 'latch-on' to the estrogen binding enzymes, It competes so to speak for its position, it does this aggressively..
Thus, decreasing water retention. Also the lack of aromatization and the fact that the drug is prototypical androgen, causes a significant shift in the body's estrogen/testosterone ratio.
As proviron's atomic structure it is incapable of forming estrogen. It also has properties with AR's..
Increasing the AR expression, proviron/DHT uptake to further increase AR expression, repeating this process over and over...

This allows other AAS compounds to appear to be amplified with there effects, assisting the compounds -

Functions concerning the neurotransmitter/receptor and how it works:


Database: PsycINFO
[Journal Article]
A comparison of the antidepressant effects of a synthetic androgen (mesterolone) and amitriptyline in depressed men.
Vogel, William; Klaiber, Edward L.; Broverman, Donald M.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Vol 46(1), Jan 1985, 6-8.


26 depressed male outpatients were randomly assigned to 14 weeks of treatment with either mesterolone or amitriptyline in a double-blind parallel treatment design. Ss completed the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and a symptom checklist each week. Findings reveal that the drugs were equally effective in reducing depressive symptoms. Mesterolone produced significantly fewer adverse side effects than amitriptyline and did not produce hypomania or tachycardia, recognized side effects of amitriptyline. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved)

Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol. 1984 Jun;6(6):331-7.

The effects of mesterolone, a male sex hormone in depressed patients (a double blind controlled study).
Itil TM, Michael ST, Shapiro DM, Itil KZ.

Based on computer EEG (CEEG) profiles, in high doses, antidepressant properties of mesterolone, a synthetic androgen, were predicted. In a double-blind placebo controlled study, the clinical effects of 300-450 mg daily mesterolone were investigated in 52 relatively young (age range 26-53 years, mean 42.7 years) male depressed outpatients. During 6 weeks of mesterolone treatment, there was a significant improvement of depressive symptomatology. However, since an improvement was also established during the placebo treatment, no statistically appreciable difference in the therapeutic effects of mesterolone was established compared to placebo. Mesterolone treatment significantly decreased both plasma testosterone and protein bound testosterone levels. Patients with high testosterone levels prior to treatment seem to have had more benefit from mesterolone treatment than patients with low testosterone levels. The degree of improvement weakly correlated to the decrease of testosterone levels during mesterolone treatment.

Information confirming no HTPA shutdown/suppression during PCT
These are some research articles that may justify the use of low/moderate dose Proviron during PCT:

AAKVAAG, A., and SB STROMME. "The effect of mesterolone administration to normal men on the pituitary-testicular function." Acta endocrinologica77.2 (1974): 380-386.

Mesterolone (1α-methyl-5α-dihydrotestosterone) has been given to 10 normal men, age 24–27 years, and the effect on the plasma levels of ICSH, FSH and testosterone has been studied. FSH could be detected. After 4 weeks on 75 mg mesterolone per day a significant (P < 0.01) drop in the mean value for plasma testosterone level was observed, 5.2 to 4.0 ng/ml. After another 4 weeks on 150 mg mesterolone per day a further decrease to 3.5 ng/ml was found. During mesterolone administration the protein binding of testosterone in plasma was significantly reduced, and it appeared that the level of free (non-protein bound) testosterone in diluted plasma remained unchanged, 0.37 and 0.41 ng/ml, before and after mesterolone administration respectively.The results suggest that mesterolone given in doses of 75 and 150 mg/day to normal men does not suppress the pituitary ICSH production or the testicular testosterone production
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GORDON, RD, THOMAS, MJ, POYNTING, JM and STOCKS, AE (1975), Effect of Mesterolone on Plasma LH, FSH and Testosterone. Andrologia, 7:287–296. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.1975.tb00942.x
It has been claimed that orally administered mesterolone, unlike l7a-methyl testosterone, does not suppress endogenous gonadotropins and testosterone. To investigate this, both drugs were administered, in turn, to four normal men and plasma testosterone, LH and FSH were measured serially. Mesterolone administration was associated in all four subjects with significant and similar falls in plasma testosterone, but significant suppression of gonadotropins took place in only two of them. Any changes which occurred were apparent by the end of the first week of therapy. Administration of half the dose of 17a-methyl testosterone to the same four subjects caused significant suppression of testosterone in each and suppression of one or both gonadotropins in each.
In longer term studies in patients (5-30 months) involving serial measurements at intervals of one to two months, there was evidence of significant suppression of LH and FSH by 17a-methyl testosterone, but not by mesterolone, which was clinically a less effective androgen.
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WANG, C., BURGER, HG, de KRETSER, DM, DULMANIS, A., HUDSON, B., KEOGH, EJ and SUTHERS, MB (1974), Effect of Mesterolone on Serum FSH, LH and Plasma Testosterone in Normal Men. Andrologia, 6:111–117. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.1974.tb01604.x

To determine whether the claim that mesterolone, an orally active androgen, does not cause suppression of gonadotropin secretion, two groups of five normal men were treated with 100 and 200 mg. daily respectively for 7 days. Serial measurements of serum FSH, LH and plasma testosterone were made on samples taken at 15 minute intervals over 2 hr both before and during treatment. Modest falls in FSH, LH and testosterone levels were observed in both groups, the percentage suppression being 21% and 18% for FSH, 19% and 15% for LH and 9% and 8% for testosterone at the lower and higher dosage levels respectively .
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200mg is a far greater dose than I would deploy during PCT (50mgs is ideal). From these studies and other articles we see have read, it's clear that there is almost minimal/no influence on the HTPA, any effect would be absolute minimal and negated by other appropriate compounds used during that period (HCG, Aromasin, Nolvadex and HGH) ...

Team PSL supervisor


Just an addition to the above read!


Proviron will NOT suppress LH or FSH and will even provide your body with more free testosterone due to the fact that it binds "AGGRESSIVELY" to SHBG (lowering levels)....With this said, your total test probably may not increase much, however that's not what's important, your Free-T is the ticket..
Your FREE T will INCREASE 5-10 FOLD.. Its freed from bound test ultimately allowing test to act in its original course of action, in lieu of being bound!

If you're experiencing excessive sweating at night from Trenbolone you may want to consider limiting yourcarbs in the evening,
this tends to help because the body is in a state of thermogenesis so there's a slew of activity taking place, Its known as "thermoregulation" as an integral part of sleep homeostasis...
Your body will warm itself up, however during thermgenesis from powerful andros like tren, carbs fuel this process 10 fold...
Limit your carbs and my prove to be effective..

Last but not least, here's some more information that can provide you with achieving an environment that will assist with more FREE-T..

“Proviron with Winstrol”

Here's a study on proviron and winny together.

How winny and proviron will make your cycle kick ass!

Really, only a very small amount of Testosterone exists as “free” testosterone. Free test is testosterone that capable of binding to the Androgen Receptor,
which is where all the rest of the magic happens, and allows for the following benefits:
-Enhanced growth factor activity (eg GH, IGF-1, etc.)
-Enhanced activation of myogenic stem cells (ie satellite cells)
-Enhanced myonuclear number (to maintain nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio)
-Enhanced protein synthesis
-New myofiber training

Testosterone binds at around 45% to what is known as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), and about another 53% binds to proteins (albumin).
The rest exists in a “free” state (about 2% if you did your math).
Different variations of steroids also differ in the way in which they bind to proteins.
If one could unbind testosterone from SHBG by even a small percentage, it could make a big difference in the way that testosterone or other AAS exert their anabolic effects.
Studies show that when testosterone is unbound from SHBG the “free” test does in fact exert greater effects than total T. As the following studies support:
Demisch K, and Nickelsen T. Distribution of testosterone in plasma proteins during replacement therapy with testosterone enanthatein patients suffering from hypogonadism Andrologia 1983;15 Spec No:536-41.

Gandar R. Interpretation of the blood level of a steroid Rev Fr Gynecol Obstet 1985 Aug-Sep;80(8-9):635-40.
Legrand E., et al. Osteoporosis in men: a potential role for the sex hormone binding globulin Bone 2001 Jul;29(1):90-5.
Longcope C., et al. Diet and sex hormone-binding globulin. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jan;85(1):293-296.
Valero-Politi J, and Fuentes-Arderiu X. Within- and between-subject biological variations of follitropin, lutropin, testosterone, and sex-hormone-binding globulin in men. Clin Chem 1993 Aug;39(8):1723-1725.

Proviron(1-Methyl Dihydrotestosterone) has been shown to bind with SHBG much more readily than test.
Relative binding affinity of anabolic-androgenic steroids: comparison of the binding to the androgen receptors in skeletal muscle and in prostate,
as well as to sex hormone-binding globulin.

Saartok T, Dahlberg E, Gustafsson JA.

It is unclear whether anabolic steroids act on skeletal muscle via the androgen receptor (AR) in this tissue, or whether there is a separate anabolic receptor.
When several anabolic steroids were tested as competitors for the binding of [3H]methyltrienolone (MT; 17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-4,9,11-estratrien-3-one) to the AR in rat and rabbit skeletal muscle and rat prostate,
respectively, MT itself was the most efficient competitor.
1 alpha-Methyl-5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (1 alpha-methyl-DHT; mesterolone) bound most avidly to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) [relative binding affinity (RBA) about 4 times that of DHT].

Some anabolic-androgenic steroids bound strongly to the AR in skeletal muscle and prostate [ RBAs relative to that of MT: MT greater than 19-nortestosterone ( NorT ; nandrolone ) greater than methenolone (17 beta-hydroxy-1-methyl-5 alpha- androst-1-en-3-one) greater than testosterone (T) greater than 1 alpha-methyl-DHT]. In other cases, AR binding was weak (RBA values less than 0.05): stanozolol(17 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstano [3,2-c]pyrazol-17 beta-ol), methanedienone (17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-1,4-androstadien-3-one), and fluoxymesterolone (9 alpha-fluoro-11 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-T). Other compounds had RBAs too low to be determined (eg oxymetholone (17 beta-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstan-3-one) and ethylestrenol (17 alpha-ethyl-4- estren -17 beta -ol). The competition pattern was similar in muscle and prostate, except for a higher RBA of DHT in the prostate. The low RBA of DHT in muscle was probably due to the previously reported rapid reduction of its 3-keto function to metabolites, which did not bind to the AR [5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol and its 3 beta-isomer (3 alpha- and 3 beta-adiol, respectively)]. Some anabolic-androgenic steroids (only a few synthetic ) bound to SHBG (1 alpha-methyl-DHT much greater than DHT greater than T greater than 3 beta-adiol greater than 3 alpha-adiol = 17 alpha-methyl-T greater than methenolone greater than methanedienone greater than stanozolol). of the RBA in rat muscle to that in the prostate (an estimate of the myotrophic potency of the compounds) was close to unity, varying only between about 0.4 and 1.7 in most cases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

Skalba P, Korfanty A, Mroczka W, Wojtowicz M. Related Articles
[Changes of SHBG concentrations in postmenopausal women]
Ginekol Pol. 2001 Dec;72(12A):1388-92. Polish.

Variations of sex hormone-binding globulin in thyroid dysfunction.
Brenta G, Schnitman M, Gurfinkiel M, Damilano S, Pierini A, Sinay I, Pisarev MA.

Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, French Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [email protected]

With the aim of understanding the variations of the levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in thyroid dysfunction, we studied the influence of factors that also modify SHBG, such as menopausal status, age, and body mass index (BMI) in women with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, both overt and subclinical. Statistical analysis was performed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA), stepwise multiple regression, and partial correlation. The ANOVA showed a significant statistical difference among the means of SHBG of all groups (p<0.01). The difference was due to the group that included hyperthyroid women. Multiple regression analysis showed that the main factors influencing SHBG were BMI and age, except for the hyperthyroid group, where the most important independent variables were triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Partial correlation controlling the effect of BMI and age showed no association between SHBG and the other variables in all groups except for the subclinical hyperthyroid and hyperthyroid, where we found a significant association between SHBG and T4 and T3. The premenopausal or postmenopausal status does not modify SHBG levels. When the patients are taken as a whole, BMI, age, T4, and T3 all have an association with SHBG levels according to the multiple regression analysis.

Determinants of sex hormone-binding globulin blood concentrations in premenopausal and postmenopausal women with different estrogen status. Virgilio-Menopause-Health Group.

Pasquali R, Vicennati V, Bertazzo D, Casimirri F, Pascal G, Tortelli O, Labate AM.

Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, University of Bologna, Italy

Just a quote: 2) SHBG values are positively correlated with estradiol and negatively with insulin and testosterone concentrations, but the predictive value of these variables on SHBG appears to be different in premenopause and postmenopause; Here is a fun little fact: the level of SHBG can also be influenced by other factors. There is a direct relationship between the level of estrogen and thyroid hormones and the level of SHBG. Estrogen goes up, SHBG goes up. Estrogen goes down SHBG goes down. Same for Thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Also, there is a relationship with diet and insulin, but that is something I will save for later.

Higher androgen levels due to AS administration has been shown to considerably lower levels of SHBG as well. The AaS Winstrol (stanozolol) was shown in a 1989 study to lower levels of SHBG by 50% after oral administration.

Sex hormone-binding globulin response to the anabolic steroid stanozolol: evidence for its suitability as a biological androgen sensitivity test.
Sinnecker G, Kohler S.

Department of Pediatrics, University of Hamburg, West Germany.

Both the androgen-induced decline in serum sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels during puberty and the anabolic effect of exogenous testosterone are absent in patients with androgen insensitivity (testicular feminization). To determine whether the androgen-induced decline in serum SHBG could be used as a test of androgen sensitivity, we studied the effect of the anabolic-androgenic steroid stanozolol (17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-5 alpha-androstano-[3 ,2-c]pyrazol) on serum SHBG in 25 control subjects, 3 patients with complete androgen insensitivity, and 4 patients with partial androgen insensitivity. Stanozolol was administered orally for 3 days (0.2 mg/kg.day); blood samples were taken before and 5, 6, 7, and 8 days after the beginning of the test for measurements of serum SHBG. The lowest value (ie the peak response) in each subject was used as the measure of the response to stanozolol. In the control subjects the mean nadir serum SHBG level was 51.6 +/- 5.9% (+/- SD) of the initial value (P less than 0.001). In the 4 patients with partial androgen insensitivity the nadir serum SHBG ranged from 73-89%, and in the 3 patients with complete androgen insensitivity it ranged from 93-97% of the initial value. Thus, the decrease in serum SHBG after short term administration of stanozolol reflects androgen responsiveness and, thus, may be used to differentiate patients with androgen insensitivity syndromes from those with other causes of male pseudohermaphroditism.

Take away notes:
This was after oral administration, so I am not sure that I can extrapolate the data to injectable as well.
SHBG is made in the liver so even an injectable winny would have to be processed there, albeit slower, due to the slower release of injectable winny and it's direct release into the bloodstream. That could possibly make it a little less effective in this regard.

In a nutshell: Proviron and Winny could provide the mechanisms to increase the value of other AS. Proviron would work because by binding to SHBG, it leaves hormone in a free state to bind to the AR. Proviron is a terrible Anabolic, but its affinity for SHBG would essentially “displace” other steroids from binding to SHBG.
Winstrol would work to reduce the overall amount of SHBG, thereby having the effect of freeing up hormone to bind to the AR. What a stack!

I hope you enjoyed the read....

Team PuritySourceLabs,


Enhance the amount of circulating free testosterone:
Increase libido:
Combat estro sides:
Increase muscle hardness:



More info..

Proviron can be added to any TRT protocol with or without Masteron (Drostanolone), exhibiting very similar properties.


EP's NEW TRT Blend / Testosterone enanthate 200mg/mL - Masteron Enanthate 200mg/mL - 400mg/mL

Why use the TRT blend? www.PuritySourceLabs.ru

Testosterone replacement therapy is as much an art as it is a science.
www.Euro-Pharmacies.net understands this concept this is why EP has designed and engineered the most sought after ratio of hormones on the anabolic market today.
Through the treatment of Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) one should be given based on symptoms instead of just blood values.
If you have no energy, gain fat easily, having trouble putting on muscle, have a low libido, and suffer from depression, you may need TRT.
Especially if you feel this after a cycle/blast with a so-called successful "PCT"..
(Blood work should be taken to see if you are on the low end of the T spectrum)

Some benefits of this TRT stack may come rather quickly, such as increased libido as this may/can improve within weeks,
as can depression subsiding, loss of body fat and an increase in muscle and an overall sense of well being! www.PuritySourceLabs.ru

Androgen replacement therapy (ART), often referred to as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), is a class of hormone replacement therapy in which androgens, often testosterone, are replaced (and can be utilized for cruises between cycles/blasts). ART is often prescribed to counter the effects of male hypogonadism. It typically involves the administration of testosterone through injections of Testosterone. www.PuritySourceLabs.ru

ART is also employed after a cycle/blast for those who wish to stay "ON" to lessen the effects of being shut down, as user may notice changes caused by a relative decline in testosterone: TRT is employed to avoid fewer erections, fatigue, thinning skin, declining muscle mass and strength, more body fat. Dissatisfaction with these changes causes some users to lose appetite, and most gains made during their cycle. Most of all, TRT/cruise is utilized to help keep that healthy state of well-being while giving their body a rest between cycles/blasts..

The addition of Masteron in the blend is partially due to its anti-estrogen properties, and we say this for great reason. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and does not convert to estrogen through the means of aromatization. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron may be in part to do with either an inhibition in some way of the aromatase enzyme or an interaction with estrogen itself in a way which blocks receptor binding of the estrogen.

Either way, it's a WIN-WIN situation this would put Masteron as a very useful tool for the AAS user and specifically for those that cruise on low "T" doses who wish to inhibit the conversion of T to estrogen -
by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by the aromatization pathway Yielding greater levels of Free usable test. (HIGH FREE T LEVELS)
This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the testosterone during a TRT treatment or cruise). Most TRT users report almost no need for AI's during this treatment with Low to moderate Testosterone ran concurrently with Masteron.

Average Testosterone Enanthate dosages are anywhere from 125mgs to 250mgs weekly, with just 200mgs a week of Masteron creating a match made in heaven, a complimentary duo!
(We suggest getting blood-work to reinforce these statements that are made with masteron assisting testE in this blend) ::CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHERE TO GET BLOOD WORK AND HOW TO DO IT::

For those on TRT or who blast & cruise, this blend is truly the master of all. Leading the way with what would probably be considered the BEST blend ratio mix with hormones serving numerous functions, virtually to many to list.
www.Euro-pharmacies.net out did themselves with this one.

They can range from 400mg a week up too 1000mg. One unique property with the cocktail is that you don't need much and 1mL weekly could prove to be a perfect dosages for just about anyone, especially those who are new to using low to moderate dosages, of those who are beginning their TRT therapy.



TRT Plus - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial EP

Condition: New product
Chemical Name:Testosterone, Drostanolone
Comes In: 10ml vial - 400 mg/ml:
Testosterone Enanthate 200mg
Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg
Dosage: 200-1000mg/week
Active time: Approx 21 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Shipping from Europe


Blood work below from personal study in Sept 2018 on 200mg Pharma script Testosterone Cypionate with Masteron (Drostanolone) and Proviron (Mesterolone)

As many of you know I blast & cruise, more blasting than cruising with switch hitting.. I had blood work that was expected to be pulled from my Doc, he actually forgot and I had to remind him, it worked out well because I wanted to come off for a bit and do a little small cruise (6 weeks'ish) and give my CNS a moment to recoup as well as giving my REC's a brake..

I figured this would also be a great opportunity to take advantage of Masteron and Proviron used in conjunction with my TRT.. For the following reasons to keep libido strong, depression at a low at the same time optimizing the most out of my TRT dosage. .

The addition with Proviron & Masteron is that it's a useful tool for the TRT user and specifically for those who cruise on low "T" doses who wish to inhibit the conversion of T to estrogen. By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen by the aromatization pathway Yielding great levels of Free usable test. This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the testosterone during a TRT treatment or cruise).. With this said, I was just using 200mgs Script test-cyp E7D (with script adex .5 E3D) and Masteron-200 E7D and proviron at 50mg ED this ultimately created a match made in heaven, a complimentary duo!

Bloods were pulled 3 days after last pin and I was fasted and the panel was a sensitive essay (I wanted to see if my BS levels would effect estrogen total serum by way of estrone elevation due to fasting).. I have BS issues along with a family history of diabetes, the serum levels were extremely high and I doubt there was cross-reactivity of anything else due to the fact that E2 was low.. Being in a fasted state seems to be the guilt..

Further more, people tend to put blood serum numbers in a standard range of expectancy.. I've always advocated that I'm a slow/low metabolizer, even at 200mg which is the high end of TRT treatment and I barely scraped the high end.. It proves that this truly is NOT a one size fits all..

My closing comments: Libido was great, appetite was strong and I have no complaints, my sense of well-being was on point..The extreme low SHBG levels IMO are directly associated with the mast/prov, thus the result of low estro and higher free T..This can explain why I continued to feel great even after lowering my T dosage significantly..

I will continually use Mast and/or Proviron with every cruise I do!

Outstanding products...

There's an Easter egg here that's hidden inside of all of this, it's something I don't want people to miss.

This goes to prove that you really don't need much testosterone.. People don't need to chase a high total serum number in order to feel confident and reassured, when people are expecting numbers in or around the 3k + range and they believe that this is where you need to be in order to make the most progress, this is simply false and misleading.

Stop chasing total serums and focus on free test levels.. People can have 3000 of bound test and that doesn't mean anything, in fact that testosterone is useless if your FREE T ratios are low..
Users could incorporate compounds that are complementary with freeing up bound testosterone into more bioavailable testosterone such as Proviron (Mesterolone) - Masteron (Drostanolone) or Winstrol (Stanozolol)

Think of the example of speakers with an amplifier. Somebody could have 3000 watts being pushed into a set of speakers, yet clarity and distortion is a huge factor hindering quality with actually just sounding noisy. Compared to someone that has 500 watts of real quality true wattage with other components added for a smoother current and flow, better power source signaling while it sounds and out performance the counter-part that was sitting at 3000 watts. The quality option with purity vs. total raw out-put added life to the sound, do the same for the signaling within your body.

The conclusion here is to free up your bound testosterone levels, increase FREE T and let all of the other compounds be the workhorse in your cycles or blast or simply your TRT protocol..

Know how to optimize your testosterone levels so they can work best for you.. It's not about quantity but rather quality ..
I would rather have several hundred work horses, compared to 3000 useless horses.
Grand reopening coming soon - Jan 27th.. GET READY FOR SOME SALES!!!!

2024 let's blast ahead, let's move forward with an amazing and fantastic year.

Last but not least we have a ton of lab work to be posted!

Blood work incentives and how to take bloods! Only at PSL Let us PROVE it.... "WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR BLOOD WORK" ⚙️Free gear/money​



Who are we & Why PuritySourceLabs?
Read on.. Here you'll trust what you believe in and expect, we believe this links with values and integrity,
With PSL you'll experience our Vision and Core Values -

But what about Customer service and quality?
PSL is one and the same when you hear the words Quality, reliability, versatility and power..
As many others are striving to go in the market in current times, EP network has been here for almost 2 full decades and continues to press forward with UNSTOPPABLE momentum,
PSL sets the benchmark of what defines "quality" in lieu of being one of those standard generic suppliers that are full of blatant sale pitches..
We've been providing "INTERNATIONAL" and "LOCAL" LOCAL SHIPPING "Residential shipping ~ Community shipping ~ Regional shipping ~ in your neighborhood products" ~ "Down the road and around the block" "Homegrown and in your vicinity, right in your town shipping", the fastest shipping services proudly and successfully for almost 2 decades now.

Through our services you'll discover a seamless experience. With the entire staff here at team PSL we're eagerly committed to better assist you..

Our customers recognizes our product line as superior in quality and when members read the name PSL we're confident it will be synonymous in their minds with integrity and excellence..

As the team supervisor, I believe that the ultimate customer satisfaction is the synergy between our company and our central focus on our customers needs..
Emphasizing on our ability to quickly deliver quality & authentic products at the same-time providing a nurturing business relationship with our clients and friends alike.

It's with these very notions, our pledge to you, our unwavering dedication and commitment to not only meet your needs, we'll aim far to exceed your expectations with a genuine & exceptional experience each and every single time..

Our customers needs and exceeding their expectations has never been more important, be that as it may not only as healthy nurturing business relationship, even so a long lasting friendship!

Blood work incentives and how to take bloods! Only at PSL Let us PROVE it.... “WE WILL PAY FOR YOUR BLOOD WORK”
~read at the bottom how to earn store credit for posting your blood work~
www.PURITYSOURCELABS.RU Steroid Source Reviews
Source: Puritysourcelabs.ru


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Puritysourcelabs.ru IS AN APPROVED SOURCE ON https://musclesenmetal.is/

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There's more.... Added bonuses! ⚙️Free gear/money
Earn store Credit.. Read below how...

How do I get my store credit today?
Easy, just simply post your blood results using Euro-pharmacies here - Post your blood-work HERE in this Thread..
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to private message any of our team sales associates/reps that're active daily within your community.

Best regards,
Team PSL


~How to take bloods~
Checking your HGH serum levels through blood work!
(Textbook testing for therapeutic levels vs 4-10ius is far different)

In today's age we are limited to testing methods when testing our HGH serum levels due to expense factors.. Though direct HGH serum blood work seems to be the only practical method we have available when it concerns "Meat Heads on a budget" such as PrivateLabs /labcorp, it's known as a "Crude method" like all blood work, however it's a good indicator of where we came from, where we are, and where we are going!

Before we begin, I want to reiterate the fact that there are different testing methods that will yield different results and please read about Testosterone and HGH..

The protocol below is focused around HGH, but please read about the types of tests that would still apply for "TESTOSTERONE" serum readings and a more accurate final report..
For Testosterone LONG esters: 4-5 weeks out is best for a more accurate serum reading, this is the gold standard with 3 days after last injection.. The testing assy that is selected will provide a different result thus is it highly recommending to use a sensitive test that is NOT capped (some tests cap off after 1500, LC MS-MS will not cap) , ::LC MS-MS FEMALE TEST CLICK HERE:: <--- cheapest and best option for TESTOSTERONE SERUMS
You do NOT need to be fasted for testosterone levels..

Types of tests:
Method which is short for "Electrochemiluminescent Immunoassay". . It's a fast and affordable method to measure total hormones in your blood. Many labs and hospitals (ER's) use this method because it's automatic and doesn't require too much work on a lab technician's part, it's simply the standard affordable method done by most clinicians for blood tests..It's not reliable or entirely accurate.. It's simply just a "standard generic method", fast turn around, nothing more, nothing less...It's simply just a fast, quick snap shot for the moment to give almost instant results, so it's somewhat accurate for that sole purpose when it concerns "Just tell me what's going on now, yes or no"...

LC MS-MS Method is short for "liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry". It's considered the gold standard method by many researchers in measuring small molecules. Its accuracy and consistency is why the CDC is recommending LC/MS to be the standard method used when testing HGH/IGF or even total testosterone. Because LC/MS is more sensitive than ECLIA, doctors typically use this method when testing patients with really low levels with HGH or even again - testosterone levels, and testing individuals such as women and children. While it's more accurate and sensitive, the LC/MS method is more expensive than ECLIA. And it takes a bit longer to get your results...Always place into great consideration that with the LC MS-MS method it will be more pronounced with measuring specific concentrations..

The truth of the matter is, HGH serum levels only validates it's legitimacy NOT potency because testing results will vary "dramatically" from each individual to the next.. Testing HGH levels is a crude method at best, at the same time providing a keen indication on what's taken place.. IGF levels would be the best testing to provide if there is any REAL activity, however this method for HGH serum is decent enough to show something..

Testing for IGF serum levels is one of the best methods to assure the quality, in which will help validate the authenticity of the product!

FYI; Always have a baseline, knowing your baseline is pivotal especially if you have a history with testing and having a complete understanding of what your REAL baseline is, this way comparisons can be applied from prior dates to future instances, or even protocols, as there's numerous variables that may effect results..

Test pricing can range from $75-$125 in some cases for a HGH panel http://www.privatemdlabs.com/ Testing HGH serum through a blood panel is NOT the current lab standard, IGF levels establish the effectiveness of TRUE HGH levels, and they are seen and recognized by a labs aspect as the RELIABLE standard (depending on time of day, diet and/or the influence of injection of HGH(exogenous) other then natural levels (endogenous), However, I'm not suggesting that HGH labs are poor with inaccuracy, in fact I'm going to implement that it's a GREAT alternative compared to the expensive lab standards, as it can provide overwhelming evidence if your HGH is in fact real HGH..

Now, if your utilizing HGH through subq/IM administration (exogenous influence) your levels will spike approximately 3 hrs after administration, an IFG analysis is completely unnecessary UNLESS you have tested prior for baseline levels and wish to compare, the simple HGH serum test will yield a sufficient readout if in fact your HGH is legit or not, as your HGH serum will stand far outside of the standard reference range.. FACT- This is a proven method to determine a YES or NO.. (Its's suggested to do a pre base line readings on HGH & IGF levels for comparison)
Also, always keep notes when testing, with each pre and after test method..

Preparing for Blood test (6-10ius pre testing)

There's a lot of controversy in regards to fasting vs finding it unnecessary.. There's some truth behind this for great reason, such as fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in men (when testing natural levels), levels can be very infrequent and erratic, especially during a fed state, as many nutrients posses an unpredictable effect on GH release in most people..(metabolization sensitivity will vary).. However, when testing 3hrs after IM injection of HGH fasting has been proven to be irrelevant to serum levels (in some/most patients).In order to rule out and opposing factors that can be questionable with manipulation through serum levels, it is SUGGESTED to fast 6-10 hrs pre-blood drawing so levels are NOT BLUNTED . Carbohydrate intake should be lowered considerably 24 hrs prior, up until 6-10 hrs fast, there after no consumption (glucose may suppress GH release effecting spike levels).

Injection spot: IMO it is best to use a site that has little to NO scar tissue, and is NOT a frequented injection site of the user. The Bicep is a GREAT option due to more virgin tissue opposed to the delt region as most users opt for that area for oils.
Dosages and Serum levels to expect

6-8ius can yield 15-50 ng/mL as ranges can vary (this has been proven in real life experiences, regardless of the quality, generic or US Pharma grade, some users do NOT respond well with HGH injections, fact this is why it's suggested to keep notes from prior testing) Toss text book reads out the window!

Remain inactive pre-testing

As Further recommendations have it, absolutely no strenuous or rigorous stimulation through activities such as running, walking, or exercising, anything that can stimulate hormonal levels and HGH secretions..
Consumption of water is fine, a glass or 2 will NOT hurt, but limit hrs up until testing..
The use of alcohol and/or tobacco is entirely prohibited, and not recommended, especially alcohol.. cease all consumption 72hrs prior due to the brake down enzymes and glucose levels and pancreases secretions from alcohol..


6-10 ius (IM) 3 hrs pre testing (subq administration possess a slower rate with metabolizing in some users, IM has proven a 2-6 fold in levels)
Fasting is recommended, but not necessary (suggested 6-10 hrs pre)
Limit carb intake to absolute minimum
Consumption of water is OK if limited to 1 glass or 2, and not 3 hrs pre testing
No strenuous activities under any circumstances before testing
The use of alcohol and tobacco and other drugs should be completely eliminated 72 hrs prior to testing
Purity Source Labs / Euro Pharmacies / HPLC Test results on some of the NEWLY released 15mL vials.
Followed by the "BIG DADDY OF TEST" Sust-500 10mL ((2024))


















OFFICIAL "PSL" STORE OPENING - NEW YEAR ~SALE~ 2024 - Jan 27th - Feb 15th

Jan 27th - Feb 15th

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only 29Pins

M-1-T - 10mg/tab, 100 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies
Supplier: Euro-Pharmacies
Chemical Name: Methyl-1-testosterone
Comes In: 10mg tab
Dosage: 20-40mg ED
Shipping from Europe

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only Pins

On sale for only 29Pins



Bulk Cycle ( D-bol 25mg + Drol 25mg ) -50mg/tab, 50 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies​

Chemical Name:Oxymetholone 25mg + Methandienone 25mg
Comes In:50mg tab
Dosage: 50-150 mg/day
Active time: aprox 65hours

Shipping from Europe

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only Pins

On sale for only 29 Pins

Oxymetholex (Anadrol) - 50mg/tab, 50 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies​

Chemical Name:Oxymetholone
Comes In: 50mg tab
Dosage: 50-100mg/day
Active time: 16 hours
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Shipping from Europe

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only Pins

On sale for only 25 Pins


T3+T4 - ( T3-30mcg + T4-120mcg) -150mcg/tab, 50 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies​

Chemical Name: Liothyronine Sodium 30mcg + Levothyroxine Sodium 120mcg
Comes In:150 MCG tab
Dosage: 150-300 mcg/day
Active time: 5-7 days
Class:Synthetic thyroid hormone
Shipping from Europe

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only Pins

On sale for only 29 Pins

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) - 250mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies​

Chemical Name:Nandrolone decanoate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 250 mg/ml
Dosage: 300-800mg/week
Active time: 21-28 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Shipping from Europe

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
On sale for only Pins

On sale for only 29 Pins

Testosterone Cypionate - 200mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies​

Chemical Name:Testosterone cypionate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 200 mg/ml
Dosage: 250-1000mg/week
Active time: 15-16 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Jan 27th - Feb 15th
Shipping from Europe


TRT blend will soon be "permanently" discontinued once sold out.. Buy it now before it's gone​

Some products in this market have made a tremendous statement, and others not so much.
For the most beloved and staple item that was one of PSL's flagship compounds "The Gold line TRT blend" will unfortunately be discontinued after all available stock has been liquidated.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause for some of our customers that have absolutely loved this product, and have implemented this inside of their own personal TRT therapeutic protocols.

With this being said, we will still of course offer regular and standard oils in which people can purchase, customizing their own dosages and ratios with testosterone cypionate/testosterone E with Masteron E..

Stock up now while supplies last, because once this epic and novelty compound is gone, it will be no more.
This will be the end of a phenomenal era.

EP TRT Plus - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies GOLD HPLC lab test results

((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))


((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))

EP's TRT Blend / Testosterone enanthate 200mg/mL - Masteron Enanthate 200mg/mL - 400mg/mL ON SALE NOW!

Chemical Name:Testosterone, Drostanolone
Comes In: 10ml vial - 400 mg/ml:
Testosterone Enanthate 200mg
Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg
Dosage: 200-1000mg/week
Active time: Approx 21 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Shipping from Europe

Why the TRT blend?

Testosterone replacement therapy is as much an art as it is a science.
Euro-Pharmacies.net understands this concept this is why EP has designed and engineered the most sought-after ratio of hormones on the anabolic market today.
Through the treatment of Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) one should be given based on symptoms instead of blood values.
If you have no energy. Esp, gain fat easily, have trouble putting on muscle, have a low libido, and suffer from depression, you may need TRT.
Especially if you feel this after a cycle/blast with a so-called successful "PCT"..
Some benefits of this TRT stack may come rather quickly, such as increased libido as this may/can improve within weeks,
as can depression subsiding, loss of body fat and an increase in muscle and a overall sense of well being!

Androgen replacement therapy (ART), often referred to as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), is a class of hormone replacement therapy in which androgens,
often testosterone, are replaced (and can be utilized for cruises between cycles/blasts).
ART is often prescribed to counter the effects of male hypogonadism.
It typically involves the administration of testosterone through injections of Testosterone.

ART is also employed after a cycle/blast for those that wish to stay "ON" to lessen the effects of being shut down, as user may notice changes caused by a relative decline in testosterone:
TRT is employed to avoid fewer erections, fatigue, thinning skin, declining muscle mass and strength, more body fat.
Dissatisfaction with these changes causes some users to lose appetite,
and most gains made during their cycle. Most of all, TRT/cruise is utilized to help keep that healthy state of
well-being while giving their body a rest between cycles/blasts..

The addition of Masteron in the blend is partially due to its anti-estrogen properties, and we say this for great reason. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone)
and does not convert to estrogen through the means of aromatization. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron
may be in part to do with either an inhibition in some way of the aromatase enzyme or an interaction with estrogen itself in a way which blocks receptor binding of the estrogen.

Either way, it's a WIN-WIN for this would put Masteron as a useful tool for the AAS user and specifically for those that cruise on low "T" doses who wish to inhibit the conversion of T to estrogen.
By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by the aromatization pathway Yielding great levels of Free usable test.

This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the
testosterone during a TRT treatment or cruise)..Most TRT users report almost no need for AI's during this treatment with Low to moderate Testosterone ran concurrently with Masteron.
Average Testosterone Enanthate doses are anywhere from 125mgs to 250mgs weekly, with just 200mgs a week of Masteron creating a match made in heaven, a complimentary duo!
(We suggest getting blood-work to reinforce these statements that are made)

For those on TRT or who blast & cruise, this blend is truly the master of all. Leading the way with what would probably be consider the BEST blend ratio mix
and hormones serving numerous functions.
Euro-pharmacies.net out did themselves with this one.

They can range from 400mg a week up too 1000mg. One unique property with the cocktail is that you don't need much and 1mL weekly
could prove to be a perfect dosages for just about anyone, especially those who are new to using low to moderate dosages.

((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))
The entire staff here at P.S.L is eagerly committed to assist you..

We believe that the ultimate customer satisfaction is a synergy between our company and our central focus on our customers needs..
We emphasize on our ability to quickly deliver quality & authentic products at the same-time providing a nurturing business relationship between our customers and us with our pledge and unwavering commitment not only as a solid business relationship but a long lasting friendship!


Euro-Pharmacies Carrier Oil information - ENSURING EXCELLENCE and what’s inside, matters most!

All Euro-Pharmacies oils are all synthetic and made with the finest pharma grade vehicle oils on the market,
some of these same carries are used world wide in clinics all around the world to avoid lymphatic acute reactions,
absolute NO food derivatives in order to avoid site irritation or localize swelling for utmost comfort!


Valuable information
With Euro-Pharmacies Oil based compounds - Absolutely NO EO-OIL is used or other food derivatives for carrier delivery method with all parenting hormones, as EP understands the sensitivities due to allergic reactions with some carries.

EP's oil base products are smooth with less site irritation like most other carriers, while providing a more stable and longer shelf life of the suspended drugs.


1. Carrier Oils used in EP Injectable Products Line manufacturing processes are completely Pharmaceutical Grade.
100% Synthetic , Hypoallergenic and Completely Clear/Transparent in terms of Color properties.

(No tint- No impurity and Completely Infection/Contamination Proof)
A. Hormone Raw Materials batches applied in production processes Can Naturally differ in Color Tint Properties
Therefore it's sometimes possible that some particular EP Line Product Batches can differ in terms of color tint rate.(Due to 100% Clear - Transparent Carrier Oil Appearance Property)

2. Solely Pharmaceutical Grade Hormone Raw Materials used in EP Injectable Products Line manufacturing processes.
(Provided only by Official and Certified Pharmaceutical Manufacturers)

3. Solely Pharmaceutical Grade Hormone Raw Materials used in EP Oral Products Line manufacturing processes.
A. Professional and HIGHEST QUALITY Fillers applied to EP Oral Products Line. (ie. starch , PVP etc.)

More info
EP Line Crystal Clear/Pro. Carrier Oils Clarification
Original EP Line uses Pharma Grade Carrier Oils.
Some products such as Trenbolone will NOT be clear due to oxidization during the compounding process...
EP oil product uses only Pharma Grade carrier oils (synthetic/hypoallergenic/smooth/most efficiently dissolved-merged for customers convivence and well-being.
Most UGL's on the market do NOT uses such Pro./Expensive Oils. These carrier oils are available mostly by way of Legit/Registered Pharma Grade Manufacturers as well as our compounding facility here at EP.


Euro-Pharmacies product line with oils have been proven with 100% certainty to have minimal immune response:
1. Second to None - user friendly experience for a smoother and Painless injection with each and every administration.
2. Body/System 100% Smooth & Effective applicability and response.
3. 100% Pharma Grade Feature of: dissolving/applying with the "essence" in the system/body right from the start.

EP Line "Essence" Origin and Quality matches those PG Carrier Oils Fully naturally.

Euro-Pharmacies team supervisor





Click below for direct store access
(Please allow site to update if it does not show prices)

You'll never be wasting money when you buy www.Euro-pharmacies.net gold line
EP's gold is like none other, because it is a stabilizer; it is an insurance policy in this market that you're getting PURITY
EP Gold-Line isn't really made of gold, it's made of sweat, determination and a hard to find alloy called guts
with the added advantages known as "QUALITY".

at www.PuritySourceLabs.ru

International line only
Oilas ~ Orals ~ Sarms and more

10 vials, bags or more...

Test Enan
Test Prop
Test Cyp
test Blend
Tren Acetate
Tren Enant
Drostanolone Prop (masteron)
Drostanolone Enathate (masteron)
Boldenone Undec (Eq)
Nandrolone Deca
Nandrolone Prop

Discount amount -

5-9 - 10%
10-14 - 15%
Above 15 - 19%


Testosterone Propionate - 100mg/Ml 10ml/Vial - Only 20 "Smackers"
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) - 100mg/Ml. 10ml vial Only 25 "Smackers"
Winstrol oily 50mg/ml 10 ml vial Only 25 "Smackers"
Super drol - 10mg/Tab, 100 Pills/Bag - Euro-Pharmacies Only 29 "Smackers"
Anastrozolex 1mg 50 tabs Only 35 "Smackers"










NEW LAB TEST RESULTS - Trenbolone-enanthate-150-mg/mL-15mL/vial-Euro-Pharmacies

ONLY 65 Potato's

Trenbolone Enanthate 150 mg/ml 15ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies - NEW
ONLY 65 Potato's

Trenbolone Enanthate 150 mg/ml 15ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies - NEW
ONLY 65 Potato's

Tax excluded

Chemical Name:Trenbolone enanthate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 200mg/ml
Dosage: 300-500mg/week
Active time: 8-10 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Super duper early Easter SALE

INTERNATIONAL shipping only
March 1st -15th 2 FULL WEEKS WORTH OF SALES!

100iu EuroTropin 3,33mg (10 Vial X 10iu) Only 130 candies , or 130 carrots , or 130 eggs
M-1-T - 10mg/Tab, 100 Pills/Bag - Euro-Pharmacies Only 29 candies , or 29 carrots , or 29 eggs
Salbutamolex (Salbutamol) - 4mg/Tab, 100 tab Only 25 candies , or 25 carrots , or 25 eggs
T3+T4 - ( T3-30mcg + T4-120mcg) -150mcg/tab, 50 pills/bag - Euro-Pharmacies Only 25 candies , or 25 carrots , or 25 eggs

Semaglutide (Ozempic) - 2mg/Vial + 2 mL Water - Only 40 candies , or 40 carrots , or 40 eggs
ADDED BONUS ITEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Methyl-stenbolone 100 - 100mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies - Only 39 candies , or 39 carrots , or 39 eggs

Product was tested
IT'S BACK - STENBOLONE IS COMING BACK ON SALE AS Ultradrol (Msten) "Mislabeled".... IT'S BACK!

IT'S BACK - The temporary discontinuation of STENBOLONE IS COMING BACK ON SALE AS Ultradrol (Msten) "Mislabeled".... IT'S BACK!

Here at PSL we are pleased to introduce one of our lasted products, this compound is very rare in the market! (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate (MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol)
We do no plan on changing labels do yo inventory, we are advising customers what the contents are prior to purchasing!
Dosages can remain the same with injections based on all feedback and loggers experiences based on exceptional results..
Further more with safe and perfect blood work...

(MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol) Only 39 candies

(MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol) Only 39 candies
PSL wants the name of our product line "Euro-Pharmacies" to be synonymous in your mind with quality..
More than synonymous--we want them to be one and the same. In fact, when you think "quality," "reliability," "versatility," or "power," we want you to think "Euro-Pharmacies"...

Here at PSL we want to earn your deepest trust, with are display and commitment to you by providing you with NEW products,
and better customer care!
We are a leader, we work with a team of leaders. And our long history of innovation and excellence keep you ahead of the curve on quality & satisfaction..
It is our pleasure to introduce the newest product in our line www.PuritySourceLabs.ru gives you "Stenbolone Acetate" (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Ace
by www.Euro-Pharmacies.net This is focused on meeting the needs of our customers.

(MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol) Only 39 candies
(MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol) Only 39 candies
(Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate (MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol)

Stenbolone ace 100 - 100mg/ml 10ml/vial EP - Puritysourcelabs

Stenbolone acetate -100 mgs (molecular code 2-methyl-4,5α-dihydro-δ1-testosterone 17β-acetate (2-methyl-δ1-DHT 17β-acetate) or as 2-methyl-5α-androst-1-en-17β-ol-3-one 17β-acetate)

This agent is a anabolic-Androgen steroid that is a derivative of (DHT) Dihydrotestosterone which its chemical signature (structure) is very similar to that of Masterone or Mesterolone (Proviron), in fact its functionality can be almost identical if one was to compare each compound pound for pound, although its suggested by some that it can perform much like Metenolone (Primobolan depot) or even its molecular structure can be quite similar with its structures altercation, as others may even advocate that its functionality is more similar that that of Oxymetholone (Anadrol). However, that comparison with Anadrol is very miscalculated and would be go against its true functions, as it does NOT possess the ability to be considered a mass builder or act like a wet compound. A great characteristic with Stenbolone is that it cannot be converted to estrogentic metabolites by way of aromatization or displaying estrogenic like effects that could activate mechanisms of actions that would be similar that of estrogenic affects (bloating/water-retention/fat increase or even gynecomastia), thus there is NO need to employ an AI/aromatase inhibitor..

The unvarnished truth is that this AAS is a shrouded compound due to its rare presence in the market. When it was originally compounded/designed in the early 60's it was off the same pillar of 1-Testosterone but modified by the 2-methyl group.. Its said to be slightly weaker than its relative 1-Test when compared by similar dosages, yet its said to be almost 2-3 x its anabolic output when compared on a pound for pound scale..As time continued it was seen to have little clinical use and was ultimately discharged from the market because phrama groups dubbed it useless and financial support was lacking because of other alternative drugs that functioned much similar and already had a name for themselves..This has continued to haunt its survival even there after when it was discontinued but picked up by the black market where it hardly got the recognition and notoriety that it rightful deserves.. Little has known about this agent as the pharmacodynamics of this compounds has been scarce.. Over the years it has been elusive thus even today little is truly known about it in the bodybuilding/athletic performance communities, but for those that have had experience with it all share different concepts about its functionality and maybe this is due to its limited appearance/usage in the anabolic circuit world wide. But for those that have used it during its highlight which was a sort period of time claimed it as a valuable and unique compound, users would often search far and wide to procure this rare performance enhancement drug, before it ultimately seen its fate and faded out of circulation in the start of the 1980's.

Performance enhancement usage: Dosages can range from 50mgs EOD to 100mg EOD of even 100mgs ED, its ability to help athletes remain dry while gaining lean quality muscle makes it ideal to be employed as complimentary/synergistic drug to a cycle combo during a body-recomp, cut phase or even pre-competition.
Aromatization: No
Acne: Yes (based upon user sensitivity)
Desire effects: Physical/mantel wellness improvement, increase sex drive and sense of well-being, improved endurance, strength and faster muscle tissue buildup and regeneration.
Androgenic/Anabolic rating: 107-144 / 267-332

Methyl-stenbolone 100 - 100mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies

(Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate
Condition: New product
Chemical Name: (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate (MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol)
Comes In: 10ml vial - 100 mg/ml
Active time: 2-5 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Truly one of the most under rated agents like ever, speaking for those that have had the pleasure and joy of using this amazing compound have all expressed how incredible remarkable this drug is with its sheer magnificence..
Euro-Pharmacies EP continuously produces products of pure brilliance. available at PuritySourceLabs.ru

(MISLABLED DO TO TESTING /CONTENTS ARE Msten Unltradrol) Only 39 candies
(Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate for pumps?
Great for hardening agent, absolute for cutting, and it can provide quality mass gains depending on the users goal, pure nobility with its upfront visual and physical display right before you eyes in just a few short weeks...
The pumps are simply unimaginable, and simply magical, impressive gains to say the least.

(Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate vs Trenbolone? Great alternative and substitute in place of trenbolone, with strength gains and muscle solidification like laying brick and mortar on a foundation, building and reinforcing your gains making them almost permanent.

(Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate pip? Little to nil pip and very user friendly, as EP "Euro-Pharmacies" using some of the finest clear carrier oil that can flow easily through a 27g needle with no resistance.

Stenbolone Acetate dosage? 100mg EOD is more than enough, dosages up to 75-100mgs ED can increase pumps to a level of slight discomfort. (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate pairs well with Testosterone Propionate and Oxandreolone (Anavar) for building that lean aesthetic physique.

EP (Anatrofin) Stenbolone Acetate available at P.S.L Products

IT'S BACK - The temporary discontinuation of STENBOLONE IS COMING BACK ON SALE AS Ultradrol (Msten) "Mislabeled".... IT'S BACK!

Dear valued customers and friends alike,

Weeks ago on Jan 5th 2024 we hated and regretted to inform you all that we've sent in some samples of Stenbolone Ace to be tested pertaining to a specific batch EP-2631F2; EXP:11/2024. However, it came back as Msten Ultradrol.
The team was informed about a client that had questions and concerns with his product that he had received in his order. This customer mentioned (subject-A) sent in a blind sample many weeks prior to the holidays, in which tested positive for the presence of Msten (Methylstenbolone) as the active hormone sitting at 72.58mg. In lieu of what was labeled on the compound and as advertised on the online ordering site at PSL being "Stenbolone Ace 100mg", this was the product that he was expecting to receive.

During this time frame we were also informed that a current 2nd customer (subject-B) stenbolone user who had pulled blood work prior while using the compound religiously and devotedly, hailing it to be remarkable. With little to no health risks as it appeared from what he has mentioned or blood markers being out of range, which would most likely be manifested when using Msten - this wouldn't be an unusual or out of the ordinary trait displayed by Msten, with having considerable undesired changes in lab work, most of all experiencing unwanted harsh physical side-effects that are very recognizable (none where present or mentioned with his observation and experience).

All lab work from the 2nd customer (subject-B) was remarkable and satisfactory considering the dosages used and the cycle duration along with his feedback. Reflecting back with the possibly and potentially of it being Msten all along. This is yet to be determined.

From there the team and myself spring into action launching a full scale investigation, with the intent to be fully "transparent" and 100% fair and objective. As we had questions ourselves.
The team sent in 2 samples; the first sample was denied due to crashing caused by extreme weather conditions during transit. A second sample was immediately dispatched upon being notified.
We followed all guidelines that may have been expected of us, in the main time we collected as much information on the these instances as reasonable.
With the assistances of all parties involved and the full transparency and cooperation, with no parties jumping to conclusions, making premature assumptions or anyone making speculations by way of attempting to deem something tampered or someone/parties suspect by default. We couldn't have asked for smoother communication by all parties.

We assured the customer (subject-A) that we take all matters such as this extremely serious. Not only did we promise him our full and unwavering dedication and commitment to finding a resolve - I personally notify him literally right away as promised upon receiving the test results posted below. We would also like to thank him for his patience and understanding during this entire process.
We couldn't ask for a more standup individual such as he. A prime example on how to go about with blind testing along with customer to business communication.

EP is also in the process of notifying all and any verified distributors that the product will be "discontinued" at the moment, as they are still actively following through with their further pending investigation pertaining to the outsource where the raws were procured. All distributors are expected to edit store product details in the hours/days ahead where the item was listed for sale/availably - These will be updated with the proper and current up to date details regarding active sitting hormone with the batch EP-2631F2; EXP:11/2024

All customers who have received this batch, please open a ticket or contact your next available sales team representative for a refund or store credit.
More updates and notifications are to be expected via online sales site and customer news letters.

We express our most sincere and deepest apologies for all and any inconveniences that this may have created for anyone and failing to meet all expectations.
We are very disappoint as we hold ourselves to a higher standard, most of all we now hold ourselves 100% accountable. For that we are deeply sorry!

This type of thing is very rare, yet it is very real and it happens. With that being said - we hope to continually move forward with each and every-single loyal and potential customer, at the same time being blessed with your forgiveness and understanding. Again, we apologize.

We stand by our very notions with promising full transparency - pressing forward we will be implementing very thorough and strict (rigorous) testing with raw materials and finished products..
The prior and current testing simply isn't enough, we see and recognize this, changes will be made.


The test results from customer (subject-A) compared to EP's may vary due to the fact of the allowance and standard error in both directions and variances in samples and different testing facilities.
Slight alterations/repositioning to the test header on top & bottom footer has been made in order to have a greater display with details and authenticity of the 3rd party testing facility results
and information for better viewing/visibility without effecting the pages context.


March 1st - March 15th
Shipping from Europe

Yo peps, check out the PEEP sale! 5 - ITEMS now on SALE
From March 16th until March 31st
Last of the MARCH madness SALES

Testosterone BASE (TNE - Oil) - ONLY 25 peep's
Drostanolone Propionate - 75mg/mL 15mL/Vial ONLY 39 peep's - "NEW AMAZING PRICE" no limit sale with this item ONLY
40iu Eurotropin 13,33mg (1 Vial x 40iu) - ONLY 45 peep's
Stanozlol 10mg ONLY 19 peep's
Cialix (Tadafil) - 20mg/Tab, 50 Pills/Bag - ONLY 39 peep's

40iu Eurotropin 13,33mg (1 vial x 40iu) - 191aa etc - Euro-Pharmacies​

Supplier: Euro-pharmacies,Europe
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 40IU vial(13.3mg)

Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
Shipping from Europe


WE ARE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!! :)

It has been some time before we've updated.
We assure you that we will open the doors for all FRENCH PEOPLE in the next few weeks :)

New great things are coming with amazing shipping rates. :)
Hang tight :)

All NEW EP Orals and Ancillaries/HCG 2024



For more product information and display of full product line please check out Euro-Pharmacies.net

As the one of the world’s leading provider of pharmaceuticals, EURO-PHARMACIES products provide consumers a dependable quality product every time.

The scale and breadth of our pharmaceutical portfolio is increasing annually to cater to global market demand. Building on a remarkable track record of achievement, EURO-PHARMACIES continues to pursue a rich future in pharmaceuticals as we focus on compliance, convenience, efficacy and safety, and providing affordable generic products to patients and society worldwide.

Our dedication to quality in everything we do is uncompromising, and covers every stage of development, production and marketing of our medicines including the supply of materials through to manufacturing and approval by the strictest authorities in the world.

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities feature the most advanced testing equipment to guarantee the quality of our products. Equipment is tested and certified, and every manufacturing process is validated. All supplier procedures are strictly supervised to ensure that only the highest grade materials are used in our products.

With a global presence, timely, reliable and cost-effective distribution is critical to our customers’ ability to provide their end consumers with safe and effective products at the right time.

EURO-PHARMACIES strives to create a work environment that enriches employee professional and personal lives.

EURO-PHARMACIES expertise in supply chain, operational network, infrastructure and R&D, ultimately serving millions of customers in the growing world wide pharmaceuticals market.

Our manufacturing network is continuously optimized so that our customers can have full confidence in our supply chain. This is enabled by high-volume, technologically-advanced distribution facilities. These facilities allow us to deliver products swiftly and reliably. We continually review our capabilities and capacity. This ensures that we can consistently deliver best-in-class products. Our customers know that their end-consumers are receiving high-quality pharmaceuticals.

PSL NEW warehouse INTERNATIONAL is OPEN - smoother, faster & a hassle-free ordering process, better then ever before. ☀️SUMMER 2024☀️

We have some very exciting news. As you know, INTERNATIONAL "was" closed for logistic purposes for warehouse relocation & product restock.
NOW PSL can truly ensure a smooth, fast and hassle-free ordering process, better then ever before.

Now, it's time for a NEW and bigger change as we re-opened back to kick off the SUMMER season!

As of June 13th 2024 we will be kicking off with our opening for the rest of the year :)

Over the years, as we've worked hard providing you with our unwavering dedication and commitment with AAS and other Performance Enhancement compounds,
We've grown to realized that working with you all is something that we love.
We love compounding the finest compounds on the market and helping people achieve their goals.


PuritySourceLabs.ru - Leading the Edge by innovative concepts
FREE Vial of TestE 15mL/200mg with FIRST time order for ALL new customers FREE

Dear readers,

Freebies are BACK, it's been a while..
ALL NEW first time INTERNATIONAL purchase's by NEW customers regardless of the size of the order -
you can expect a FREE vial of Testosterone Enanthate 15mL/200mg inside of you order.

..THIS IS OUR ALL NEW PIP free TestE ester, for those that have issues with TestE..

This is the game changer you've been waiting for..


