Que devient le gras quand on le "perd" ?



En résumé, le gras qu'on grille est évacué principalement sous forme de dioxyde de carbone qu'on expire !!!
Le reste sous forme liquide...


It’s true, society is obsessed with self-image and to create a successful click bait all you need to include are the words “latest fat-burning.” But while the culture is fixed on this image of skinny bodies and the mission to achieve them, no body ever really questions where exactly does that fat go once it’s ideally “burned.” While some would argue ‘well who cares as long as it’s gone’, that answer is just not good enough for us here at IE, as we strive to understand the ultimate destiny of fat loss.

What was really surprising is to hear how many health professionals could not give a solid answer of what EXACTLY happens to fat when lost, also how many of them were wrong when we found out the answer. If you thought that most fat burning converts itself into energy for the body, you would also be among a majority of doctors, dietitians and personal trainers who thought the same. Being amongst these professionals unfortunately does not make you right, though. Other theories, predicting where fat goes once burned up by the body include muscle building, sweat, feces and decent number of “I don’t know”s.

Luckily for us, a team at UNSW Science in Sydney examined exactly what does happen to the shed pounds of fat once we work them off, and the answer is really surprising. These researchers found that a majority of the fat broken down expelled from the body is actually breathed out. That’s right, simple, easy respiration.

The study’s lead author and physicist, Ruben Meerman, and his team calculated the biomolecular reactions that result in weight loss, and then traced these atoms through the process of being released from the body. What they found specifically was,

“If you follow the atoms in 10 kilograms of fat as they are ‘lost’, 8.4 of those kilograms are exhaled as carbon dioxide through the lungs. The remaining 1.6 kilograms becomes water, which may be excreted in urine, faeces, sweat, breath, tears and other bodily fluids.”

This video does an excellent job of summing up some of the findings on breaking down lipids.

Dernière édition:


membre approuvé
merci pour cet article.

et dire que je pensai,que le maximum de l'élimination se faisait par les urines:confus:


membre approuvé
merci pour l'article, c'est intéressant de savoir exactement le processus.


membre approuvé
Merci pour ton article , c'est vrai que ce que nous croyons comme un processus largement connu est une erreur, comme quoi la science ne cesse de découvrir le corps humain et toutes ses complexités.