www.meditrope.com ™ Official HGH/ GH Global Store & Genotec Labs AAS © Made in EU Since 2010


Bonjour camarades..

Veuillez envoyer toutes vos demandes de liste de prix et de commande à :


Nouveaux e-mails

Pour les e-mails AAS : [email protected]

Pour GH email: [email protected]


Dernière édition:


All tracking numbers up until fri 19th been sent out. happy cures to all of our lovely customers. We shipping and sending more trackers by tonight form this week.
Happy ordering :)

Hello comrades..

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]

Salute Friends..

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]


Dernière édition:


All tracking numbers up until last weekend been sent out. We shipping every other day to Fr and rest of eu countries. happy cures to all of our lovely customers.
Happy ordering. Send in your enquiries as below :)

Hello comrades..

Please send all price list and new order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]

Salute Friends..

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]




All tracking numbers up until last weekend been sent out. We shipping every other day to Fr and rest of eu countries. happy cures to all of our lovely customers.
Happy ordering. Send in your enquiries as below :)

Hello comrades..

Please send all price list and new order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]

Salute Friends..

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]


Hello comrades. Wishing all a Merry Xmas in advance and much health and gains in year 2023. Peak winter bulk season is upon us and we are sending all orders out as fast as we can before the xmas holidays due to being peak time of the year for winter bulk and stocking up season for next year is in front of us. Please bare with us and your tracking numbers should arrive in your inbox.

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]

Salute Friends..

Please send all price list and order inquiries to:


New emails

For AAS email: [email protected]

For GH email: [email protected]




Hope you all had a fantastic xmas with your loved ones and wishing you a jacked, happy and blissful new year 2023! Best Wishes

J'espère que vous avez tous eu un Noël fantastique avec vos proches et que vous vous souhaitant un Nouvel An joint, heureux et heureux 2023! Meilleurs vœux

Nous expédions toutes les précommandes - commandes en attente à partir du 3 janvier en tant qu'entreprise traditionnellement ancienne, nous avons eu des vacances pendant la période de Noël et du Nouvel An. Si vous envoyez une pré-commande sur GH ou AAS, veuillez patienter et nous vous enverrons tous vos trackers par e-mail cette semaine et au début de la semaine prochaine. Merci beaucoup pour votre confiance et votre fidélité depuis 2018 sur les conseils français de l'UE. Nous sommes à nouveau impatients de prendre soin de vos besoins PEDS en cette nouvelle année 2023 :) God Speed all

We are shipping all preorders- backorders from 3rd Jan onwards as a traditionally old school business we had holidays over the Xmas & New Year period. If you send a pre order on GH or AAS please wait and we will be dropping all your trackers via email to you this week and early next week. Thank you very much for your trust and loyalty since 2018 on French EU boards. We once again look forward to taking care of your PEDS needs this new year 2023:) God Speed all

Please send all new price list and order inquiries to:


Official Global Meditrope GH Store


Salute Friends. Reach us here on our contact emails :
Salut les amis. Contactez-nous ici sur nos e-mails de contact :

For AAS email: [email protected]


For GH email: [email protected]


Pièces jointes

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Please note we conduct HPLC testing in house on our line of products for quality assurance purposes as well as 3rd party testing done randomly from time to time. We pride ourselves in maintaining strict EU cGMP level quality and safety standards via adhering to European Pharmaceutical guidelines. Our head chemist is a European chemistry degree holder as well as a qualified HPLC technician and holds EurChem credentials, an internationally recognised professional qualification, accredited by the European chemist registration board.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount enquiries please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €47/ £47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €47/ £47

TESTGEN P - (test propionate 100mg/ml) - €20/ £20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €22/ £22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €28/ £28

MASTGEN E -(drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €35/ £35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €30/ £30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €27/ £27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €30/ £30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €40/ £40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €52/ £52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €30/ £30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €58/ £58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone -superdrol) - €37/ £37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (stanozolol) - €35/ £35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €35/ £35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €41/ £41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €65/ £65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €22/ £22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €41/ £41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €35/ £35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €35/ £35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €27/ £27

HCG 5000IU amp - €25/ £25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €35/ £35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €20/ £20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €41/ £41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €20/ £20

CIALGEN (tadalafil)- 20mg x 100 tabs - €52/ £52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €52/ £52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injects)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injects)


Having done a market survey of 2023 prices of AAS sources on EU Europe. We are the most compatibly cheaper and very much BEATING THE PRICES of our coemption. This advantage we have is due to our large operation and quality of machinery we use to produce large batches as well as our raws are the highest grade available on the Market. We urge all comrades iron brothers to see our prices and stack them against a solid source. We have been in AAS business with Genotec Labs since 2010 having started in 2008 which makes us one of the longest source in service and all our products are made in Europe by a highly experienced EurChem credentials qualified chemist team. We make in Europe and ship from Europe. Our pharma grade machinery comes from the same licensed pharma grade equipment supplier who supplies lab hardware to many big pharma companies in Europe.



Please note we conduct HPLC testing in house on our line of products for quality assurance purposes as well as 3rd party testing done randomly from time to time. We pride ourselves in maintaining strict EU cGMP level quality and safety standards via adhering to European Pharmaceutical guidelines. Our head chemist is a European chemistry degree holder as well as a qualified HPLC technician and holds EurChem credentials, an internationally recognised professional qualification, accredited by the European chemist registration board.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount enquiries please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €47/ £47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €47/ £47

TESTGEN P - (test propionate 100mg/ml) - €20/ £20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €22/ £22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €28/ £28

MASTGEN E -(drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €35/ £35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €30/ £30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €27/ £27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €32/ £32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €30/ £30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €40/ £40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €52/ £52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €30/ £30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €58/ £58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone -superdrol) - €37/ £37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (stanozolol) - €35/ £35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €35/ £35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €41/ £41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €65/ £65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €22/ £22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €41/ £41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €35/ £35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €35/ £35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €27/ £27

HCG 5000IU amp - €25/ £25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €35/ £35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €20/ £20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €41/ £41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €20/ £20

CIALGEN (tadalafil)- 20mg x 100 tabs - €52/ £52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €52/ £52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges (AAS Shipping)

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injects)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injects)


Après avoir réalisé une étude de marché des prix 2023 des sources AAS sur l'Europe de l'UE. Nous sommes les moins chers et battons beaucoup les prix de notre coemption. Cet avantage que nous avons est dû à notre grande exploitation et à la qualité des machines que nous utilisons pour produire de gros lots, ainsi que nos matières premières sont de la plus haute qualité disponible sur le marché. Nous exhortons tous les camarades frères de fer à voir nos prix et à les comparer à une source solide. Nous travaillons dans le domaine AAS avec Genotec Labs depuis 2010, après avoir débuté en 2008, ce qui fait de nous l'une des plus anciennes sources en service et tous nos produits sont fabriqués en Europe par une équipe de chimistes hautement expérimentée et qualifiée EurChem. Nous fabriquons en Europe et expédions depuis l'Europe. Nos machines de qualité pharmaceutique proviennent du même fournisseur d'équipement de qualité pharmaceutique agréé qui fournit du matériel de laboratoire à de nombreuses grandes sociétés pharmaceutiques en Europe.




Veuillez noter que nous effectuons des tests HPLC en interne sur notre gamme de produits à des fins d'assurance qualité ainsi que des tests tiers effectués au hasard de temps à autre. Nous sommes fiers de maintenir des normes de qualité et de sécurité strictes au niveau cGMP de l'UE en adhérant aux directives pharmaceutiques européennes. Notre chimiste en chef est titulaire d'un diplôme européen en chimie ainsi que d'un technicien HPLC qualifié et détient les références EurChem, une qualification professionnelle internationalement reconnue, accréditée par le bureau européen d'enregistrement des chimistes.


Genotec AAS Price List 2023

*** Lorsque vous nous envoyez un e-mail, veuillez prévoir 24 à 48 heures pour une réponse ***

Veuillez conserver une seule trace de courrier électronique pour votre commande, de la demande initiale à la fin, y compris les paiements, les demandes après-vente / les commentaires du service client ou toute question que vous pourriez avoir concernant cette commande. Merci

***When you email us please allow 24 -48 hours for a response***

Please keep one single email trail for your order from initial inquiry to the completion including payments, any after sale inquiries / customer service feedback or any questions you may have related to that order. Thanks

Contact email:

genote[email protected]

Veuillez noter que nous effectuons des tests HPLC en interne sur notre gamme de produits à des fins d'assurance qualité ainsi que des tests tiers effectués au hasard de temps à autre. Nous sommes fiers de maintenir des normes de qualité et de sécurité strictes au niveau cGMP de l'UE en adhérant aux directives pharmaceutiques européennes. Notre chimiste en chef est titulaire d'un diplôme européen en chimie ainsi que d'un technicien HPLC qualifié et détient les références EurChem, une qualification professionnelle internationalement reconnue, accréditée par le bureau européen d'enregistrement des chimistes.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170/$170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount enquiries please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN P - (test propionate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €/£/$ 28

MASTGEN E -(drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €/£/$ 35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €/£/$ 27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €/£/$ 40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €/£/$ 30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €/£/$ 58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone -superdrol) - €/£/$ 37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (Winstrol/stanozolol) - €/£/$ 35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €/£/$ 35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €/£/$ 41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €/£/$ 65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €/£/$ 22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €/£/$ 41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €/£/$ 35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €/£/$ 35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €/£/$ 27

HCG 5000IU amp - €/£/$ 25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €/£/$ 35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €/£/$ 20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 20

CIALGEN (tadalafil)- 20mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injects)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injects)



Genotec AAS Price List 2023

Market leading Anabolics on Price & Quality since 2010 ©
***When emailing us, please allow 24-48 hours for a response***

Please keep a single email record for your order from initial inquiry to completion, including payments, after-sales inquiries/customer service feedback or any questions you may have regarding this order. THANKS

***When you email us please allow 24 -48 hours for a response***

Please keep one single email trail for your order from initial inquiry to the completion including payments, any after sale inquiries / customer service feedback or any questions you may have related to that order. Thanks

Contact e-mail:

[email protected]

Please note we conduct HPLC testing in house on our line of products for quality assurance purposes as well as 3rd party testing done randomly from time to time. We pride ourselves in maintaining strict EU cGMP level quality and safety standards via adhering to European Pharmaceutical guidelines. Our head chemist is a European chemistry degree holder as well as a qualified HPLC technician and holds EurChem credentials, an internationally recognized professional qualification, accredited by the European chemist registration board.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170/$170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount inquires please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN P - (propionate test 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €/£/$ 28

MASTGEN E - (drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €/£/$ 35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €/£/$ 27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €/£/$ 40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €/£/$ 30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €/£/$58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone-superdrol) - €/£/$ 37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (winstrol/stanozolol) - €/£/$ 35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €/£/$ 35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €/£/$ 41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €/£/$ 65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €/£/$ 22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €/£/$ 41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €/£/$ 35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €/£/$ 35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €/£/$ 27

HCG 5000IU amp - €/£/$25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €/£/$ 35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €/£/$ 20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 20

CIALGEN (tadalafil) - 20mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injections)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injections)


Genotec AAS Price List 2023

Market leading Anabolics on Price & Quality since 2010 ©

***When emailing us, please allow 24-48 hours for a response***

Please keep a single email record for your order from initial inquiry to completion, including payments, after-sales inquiries/customer service feedback or any questions you may have regarding this order. THANKS

***When you email us please allow 24 -48 hours for a response***

Please keep one single email trail for your order from initial inquiry to the completion including payments, any after sale inquiries / customer service feedback or any questions you may have related to that order. Thanks

Contact e-mail:

[email protected]

Please note we conduct HPLC testing in house on our line of products for quality assurance purposes as well as 3rd party testing done randomly from time to time. We pride ourselves in maintaining strict EU cGMP level quality and safety standards via adhering to European Pharmaceutical guidelines. Our head chemist is a European chemistry degree holder as well as a qualified HPLC technician and holds EurChem credentials, an internationally recognized professional qualification, accredited by the European chemist registration board.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170/$170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount inquires please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN P - (propionate test 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €/£/$ 28

MASTGEN E - (drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €/£/$ 35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €/£/$ 27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €/£/$ 40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €/£/$ 30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €/£/$58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone-superdrol) - €/£/$ 37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (winstrol/stanozolol) - €/£/$ 35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €/£/$ 35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €/£/$ 41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €/£/$ 65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €/£/$ 22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €/£/$ 41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €/£/$ 35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €/£/$ 35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €/£/$ 27

HCG 5000IU amp - €/£/$25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €/£/$ 35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €/£/$ 20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 20

CIALGEN (tadalafil) - 20mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injections)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injections)


Bonjour comrades all trackers up until last fri has been emailed out to your inboxes. Merci beaucoup to you all for your custom and loyalty. We continue to serve the Iron community with the best PEDs on the EU market since 2010.

Please send all new price list and order inquiries to:


info: [email protected]


Official Global Meditrope GH Store


Salute Friends. Reach us here on our contact emails :
Salut les amis. Contactez-nous ici sur nos e-mails de contact :

For AAS email: [email protected]



Bonjour comrades all trackers up until last week has been emailed out to your inboxes. Merci beaucoup to you all for your custom and loyalty. We continue to serve the Iron community with the best PEDs & GH on the EU market since 2010. Many have come and gone but we are still here due to the strength of our products as well as 5 star rated customer service.

Please send all new price list and order inquiries to:


info: [email protected]


Official Global Meditrope GH Store


Salute Friends. Reach us here on our contact emails :
Salut les amis. Contactez-nous ici sur nos e-mails de contact :

For AAS email: [email protected]



Genotec AAS Price List 2023

Market leading Anabolics on Price & Quality since 2010 ©

***When emailing us, please allow 24-48 hours for a response***

Please keep a single email record for your order from initial inquiry to completion, including payments, after-sales inquiries/customer service feedback or any questions you may have regarding this order. THANKS

***When you email us please allow 24 -48 hours for a response***

Please keep one single email trail for your order from initial inquiry to the completion including payments, any after sale inquiries / customer service feedback or any questions you may have related to that order. Thanks

Contact e-mail:

[email protected]

Please note we conduct HPLC testing in house on our line of products for quality assurance purposes as well as 3rd party testing done randomly from time to time. We pride ourselves in maintaining strict EU cGMP level quality and safety standards via adhering to European Pharmaceutical guidelines. Our head chemist is a European chemistry degree holder as well as a qualified HPLC technician and holds EurChem credentials, an internationally recognized professional qualification, accredited by the European chemist registration board.

Products & Prices

**Minimum Order €170/£170/$170 plus shipping charge**

**For Bulk Order Discount inquires please contact us via email**

Injectables (10ml Vials)

RIPPEDGEN - (test propionate 100mg/ml, trenbolone acetate 75mg/ml and drostanolone propionate 75mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN XL-(testosterone enanthate 500mg/ml) - €/£/$ 47

TESTGEN P - (propionate test 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 20

NPPGEN- (nandrolone phenylopropionate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 22

MASTGEN P- (drostanolone propionate100mg /ml) - €/£/$ 28

MASTGEN E - (drostanolone enanthate 200mg/1ml) - €/£/$ 35

TESTGEN E - (test enanthate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

SUSTAGEN - (test prop, tpp, test i and test d 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TESTGEN C - (test cypionate 250mg/ml) - €/£/$ 27

DECAGEN - (nandrolone decanoate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

BOLDAGEN - (boldenone undecylenate 300mg/ml) - €/£/$ 32

TRENGEN A - (trenbolone acetate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 30

TRENGEN E - (trenbolone enanthate 200mg/ml) - €/£/$ 40

PRIMOGEN- (methenolone enanthate 100mg/ml) - €/£/$ 52


DBOLGEN 20mgx100tabs (methandrostenolone) - €/£/$ 30

OXANGEN (Anavar) 20mgx100tabs (oxandrolone) - €/£/$58

SDROLGEN 10mgx100tabs (methasterone-superdrol) - €/£/$ 37

STANAGEN 50mgx50 tabs (winstrol/stanozolol) - €/£/$ 35

ANAPOGEN 50mgx50 tabs (oxymetholone) - €/£/$ 35

TURAGEN 20mgx100tbs (4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) - €/£/$ 41

HALOGEN 50x10mg tabs (fluoxymesterone) - €/£/$ 65

NOLVAGEN 20mgx50 tabs (tamoxifen) - €/£/$ 22

AROMAGEN 25mgx50 tabs (exemestane) - €/£/$ 41

PROVIGEN 25mg x 50 tabs (mesterolone) - €/£/$ 35

CLOMIGEN 50mg x 50 tabs (climiphene citrate) - €/£/$ 35

CLENAGEN 100x 40mcg tabs (clenbuterol hcl) - €/£/$ 27

HCG 5000IU amp - €/£/$25

**Out of Stock**Novothyral T3/T4 (20mcg/100mcg) 100 tabs - €/£/$ 35

**Out of Stock** Bromocriptine pharma grade (anti prolactin)-30 x 2.5mg - €/£/$ 20

**Out of Stock**Letrozole pharma grade 2.5mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 41

Metformin pharma grade 500mg tabs x 30 - €/£/$ 20

CIALGEN (tadalafil) - 20mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52

MK-677 (Ibutamoren) - 10mg x 100 tabs - €/£/$ 52


When sending payment information please include: senders details, amount sent, full shipping address and relist your final order.

Acceptable payment methods currently are Bitcoins & Cash

Please inform us of your payment preference at the time of ordering.

Shipping Policy (Ships from a EU Country)

**When submitting your delivery address please provide your full name & last name**

Shipping charges

€25/ £25 per order up to 50 units (orals/ injections)
€50/ £50 per order up to 100 units (orals/ injections)


We continue to serve the Iron community with the best PEDs & GH on the EU market since 2010. Many have come and gone but we are still here due to the quality of our products and a 5 star rated customer service with free PEDs cycle troubleshooting & any health management advices protocols troubleshooting with over 20 years of bodybuilding experience on the Team.

Please send all new price list and order inquiries to:


info: [email protected]


Official Global Meditrope GH Store


Salute Friends. Reach us here on our contact emails :
Salut les amis. Contactez-nous ici sur nos e-mails de contact :

For AAS email: [email protected]
